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This adds some features that are useful on supercomputers running the Slurm-Tool for job-allocation.

plugins=(... supercomputer)


Aliases Command Description
sq squeue -u $USER Get jobs of the current user


  • treesizethis: Lists largest folders/files in current directory

  • slurmlogpath $SLURMID: Returns the path of the .out-file of the $SLURMID

  • pretty_csv: Pipe CSV files into this and it will auto-format them as table

  • showmyjobsstatus: Lists your jobs and shows their estimated starting time (needs whypending)

  • ftails $SLURMJOB: Follows the .out-file of the job $SLURMID. If no ID is given, it follows the first job available by squeue -u $USER

  • countdown $SECONDS: Shows a blocking countdown timer that lasts for $SECONDS seconds

  • mongodbtojson $IP $PORT $DB: Creates a JSON-file from that mongodb-database

  • rtest: Creates a random non-existant test-folder in the form of $HOME/test/randomtest_$RANDOM

  • mcd $NAME: mkdir $NAME; cd $name

  • echoerr $MSG: Prints a message to STDERR

  • red_text $MSG, green_text $MSG, debug_code $MSG: Prints messages on different colors

  • warningcolors: Sets warning-colors variables for whiptail


Enter slurminator to get a whiptail-GUI from which you can control jobs, kill, send signals to multiple jobs at once, tail multiple jobs at once, control workspaces (if available) and a lot more.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4


You need a working Slurm-Installation with ZSH for this. Also, whiptail for the Slurminator.