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pnpm plugin

The pnpm plugin provides completion as well as adding many useful aliases.

To use it, add pnpm to the plugins array of your zshrc file:

plugins=(... pnpm)


Alias Command Description
pnpmg pnpm add -g Install dependencies globally
pnpmS pnpm add -S Install and save to dependencies in your package.json
pnpmD pnpm add -D Install and save to dev-dependencies in your package.json
pnpmF pnpm add -f Force install from remote registries ignoring local cache
pnpmE PATH="$(pnpm bin)":"$PATH" Run command from node_modules folder based on current directory
pnpmO pnpm outdated Check which pnpm modules are outdated
pnpmU pnpm update Update all the packages listed to the latest version
pnpmV pnpm -v Check package versions
pnpmL pnpm list List installed packages
pnpmL0 pnpm ls --depth=0 List top-level installed packages
pnpmst pnpm start Run pnpm start
pnpmt pnpm test Run pnpm test
pnpmR pnpm run Run pnpm scripts
pnpmP pnpm publish Run pnpm publish
pnpmI pnpm init Run pnpm init
pnpmi pnpm info Run pnpm info
pnpmSe pnpm search Run pnpm search
pnpmrd pnpm run dev Run pnpm run dev
pnpmrb pnpm run build Run pnpm run build

pnpm install / pnpm uninstall toggle

The plugin adds a function that toggles between pnpm install and pnpm uninstall in the current command or the last command, for up to 2 previous commands. The default key binding is pressing F2 twice.

You can change this key binding by adding the following line to your zshrc file:

bindkey -M emacs '<seq>' pnpm_toggle_install_uninstall
bindkey -M vicmd '<seq>' pnpm_toggle_install_uninstall
bindkey -M viins '<seq>' pnpm_toggle_install_uninstall

where <seq> is a key sequence obtained by running cat and pressing the keyboard sequence you want.