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VirtualBox plugin

The virtualbox plugin provides many useful aliases for VirtualBox.

To use it, add virtualbox to the plugins array of your .zshrc file:

plugins=(... virtualbox)


Alias Command Description
vbox-start VBoxManage startvm Start a virtual machine
vbox-start-headless VBoxManage startvm --type=headless Start a virtual machine (headless mode)
vbox-clone VBoxManage clonevm --register Clone and register a virtual machine
vbox-create VBoxManage createvm --register Create and register a new virtual machine
vbox-create-medium VBoxManage createmedium Create a new medium
vbox-delete VBoxManage unregistervm --delete Unregister and delete a virtual machine
vbox-control VBoxManage controlvm Control a virtual machine
vbox-info VBoxManage showvminfo Show information about a virtual machine
vbox-list VBoxManage list List system information and configuration
vbox-poweroff VBoxManage controlvm "$1" poweroff Forcibly power off a virtual machine
vbox-shutdown VBoxManage controlvm "$1" shutdown Gracefully shutdown a virtual machine
vbox-stop aliased to vbox-shutdown -
vbox-pause VBoxManage controlvm "$1" pause Pause execution of a virtual machine
vbox-resume VBoxManage controlvm "$1" resume Resume execution of a virtual machine
vbox-save VBoxManage controlvm "$1" savestate Save current state of a virtual machine
vbox-discard VBoxManage discardstate Discard saved state of a virtual machine
vbox-reboot VBoxManage controlvm "$1" reboot Reboot a virtual machine
vbox-reset VBoxManage controlvm "$1" reset Reset a virtual machine

The prefix for the aliases can be customised by setting ZSH_PLUGIN_VIRTUALBOX_ALIAS_PREFIX (default: vbox).

Status prompt

Add $(virtualbox_prompt_info [vm_name] ...) to your prompt to show the status of all specified virtual machines.

The plugin will add the following to your prompt for each $vm_name.


You can control these parts with the following variables:



  • <vm_name>: name passed as parameter to the function. If you want it to be in ALL CAPS, you can set the variable $ZSH_THEME_VIRTUALBOX_PROMPT_CAPS to a non-empty string.

  • <running>: shown if the virtual machine is running. Set $ZSH_THEME_VIRTUALBOX_PROMPT_RUNNING.

  • <notrunning>: shown if the virtual machine is not running. Set $ZSH_THEME_VIRTUALBOX_PROMPT_NOTRUNNING.

You can set ZSH_THEME_VIRTUALBOX_PROMPT_COUNT to a non-empty string to show a count of running virtual machines / total.

For example, if your prompt contains PROMPT='$(virtualbox_prompt_info "Arch Linux" "Debian")' and you set the following variables:


If Arch Linux is running, and Debian is not, then your prompt will look like this:

[1 / 2][ARCH LINUX: +][DEBIAN: X]