#compdef trash # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 2022 Github zsh-users - http://github.com/zsh-users # # Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without # licence or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this # software and to distribute modified versions of this software for any # purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following # two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. # # In no event shall the Zsh Development Group be liable to any party for # direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out # of the use of this software and its documentation, even if the Zsh # Development Group have been advised of the possibility of such damage. # # The Zsh Development Group specifically disclaim any warranties, including, # but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness # for a particular purpose. The software provided hereunder is on an "as is" # basis, and the Zsh Development Group have no obligation to provide # maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Description # ----------- # # Completion script for trash-d (https://github.com/rushsteve1/trash-d) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Authors # ------- # # * danso (https://danso.ca) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _arguments -C \ '--version[display version information and exit]' \ {-h,--help}'[display usage information]' \ {-d,--directory}'[remove empty directories]' \ {-r,-R,--recursive}'[delete directories and their contents recursively]' \ {-v,--verbose}'[print more information]' \ {-i,--interactive}'[ask before each deletion]' \ {-I,--interactive-once}'[ask once if deleting 3 or more]' \ {-f,--force}"[don't prompt and ignore errors]" \ --list'[list out the files in the trash]' \ --orphans'[list orphaned files in the trash]' \ --restore'[restore a file from the trash]' \ --delete'[delete a file from the trash]' \ --empty'[empty the trash bin]' \ --rm'[bypass trash bin and permanently delete a file]' \ '*: :_files'