#compdef cf # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Copyright 2015 Ferran Rodenas # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Description # ----------- # # Completion script for Cloud Foundry CLI (https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cli#downloads) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Authors # ------- # # * Ferran Rodenas (https://github.com/frodenas) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ---------------------- # ----- Helper functions # ---------------------- # Output a selectable list of organizations __cf_orgs() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(CF_COLOR=false CF_TRACE=false cf orgs | awk 'NR>3{print $1}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'ORG' cont_cmd } # Output a selectable list of spaces __cf_spaces() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(CF_COLOR=false CF_TRACE=false cf spaces | awk 'NR>3{print $1}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'SPACE' cont_cmd } # Output a selectable list of applications __cf_apps() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(CF_COLOR=false CF_TRACE=false cf apps | awk 'NR>4{print $1}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'APP' cont_cmd } # Output a selectable list of stacks __cf_stacks() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(CF_COLOR=false CF_TRACE=false cf stacks | awk 'NR>4{print $1}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'STACK' cont_cmd } # Output a selectable list of services __cf_marketplace_services() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(CF_COLOR=false CF_TRACE=false cf marketplace | awk 'NR>4{print $1}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'SERVICE' cont_cmd } # Output a selectable list of services __cf_services() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(CF_COLOR=false CF_TRACE=false cf services | awk 'NR>4{print $1}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'SERVICE' cont_cmd } # Output a selectable list of domains __cf_domains() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(CF_COLOR=false CF_TRACE=false cf domains | grep -v shared | awk 'NR>2{print $1}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'DOMAIN' cont_cmd } # Output a selectable list of shared domains __cf_shared_domains() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(CF_COLOR=false CF_TRACE=false cf domains | grep -v owned | awk 'NR>2{print $1}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'SHARED-DOMAIN' cont_cmd } # Output a selectable list of hostnames __cf_hostnames() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(CF_COLOR=false CF_TRACE=false cf routes | awk 'NR>3{print $2}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'ROUTE' cont_cmd } # Output a selectable list of buildpacks __cf_buildpacks() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(CF_COLOR=false CF_TRACE=false cf buildpacks | awk 'NR>3{print $1}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'BUILDPACK' cont_cmd } # Output a selectable list of feature flags __cf_feature_flags() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(CF_COLOR=false CF_TRACE=false cf feature-flags | awk 'NR>4{print $1}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'FEATURE-FLAG' cont_cmd } # Output a selectable list of plugin repos __cf_repo_plugins() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(CF_COLOR=false CF_TRACE=false cf list-plugin-repos | awk 'NR>3{print $1}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'REPO-PLUGIN' cont_cmd } # Output a selectable list of plugins __cf_plugins() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(cf plugins | awk 'NR>4{print $1}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'PLUGIN' cont_cmd } # Output a selectable list of targets (requires cf-targets plugin) __cf_targets() { declare -a cont_cmd cont_cmd=($(cf targets | awk '{print $1}')) if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]] _describe 'TARGET' cont_cmd } # -------------------------- # ----- end Helper functions # -------------------------- # -------------- # ----- Commands # -------------- __login() { _arguments \ '-a=[API endpoint (e.g. https://api.example.com)]:api endpoint:' \ '-u=[Username]:username:' \ '-p=[Password]:password:' \ '-o=[Organization]:organization name:__cf_orgs' \ '-s=[Space]:space name:__cf_spaces' \ '--sso[Use a one-time password to login]' \ '--skip-ssl-validation[Skip SSL validation]' } __logout() { # no arguments } __passwd() { _arguments \ '1:password:' } __target() { _arguments \ '-o=[Organization]:organization name:__cf_orgs' \ '-s=[Space]:space name:__cf_spaces' } __api() { _arguments \ '1:API url:' \ '--unset[Remove all api endpoint targeting]' \ '--skip-ssl-validation[Skip SSL validation]' } __auth() { # no arguments } __apps() { # no arguments } __app() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '--guid[Retrieve and display the given app guid. All other health and status output for the app is suppressed]' } __push() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '-b=[Custom buildpack by name (e.g. my-buildpack) or GIT URL or GIT BRANCH URL]:buildpack name:__cf_buildpacks' \ '-c=[Startup command, set to null to reset to default start command]:startup command:' \ '-d=[Domain (e.g. example.com)]:domain (e.g. example.com):__cf_domains' \ '-f=[Path to manifest]:file:_files:' \ '-i=[Number of instances]:number of instances:' \ '-k=[Disk limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)]:disk limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G):' \ '-m=[Memory limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)]:memory limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G):' \ '-n=[Hostname (e.g. my-subdomain)]:hostname (e.g. my-subdomain):' \ '-p=[Path to app directory or to a zip file of the contents of the app directory]:file:_files' \ '-s=[Stack to use (a stack is a pre-built file system, including an operating system, that can run apps)]:stack name:__cf_stacks:' \ '-t=[Maximum time (in seconds) for CLI to wait for application start, other server side timeouts may apply]:maximum time (in seconds):' \ '--no-hostname[Map the root domain to this app]' \ '--no-manifest[Ignore manifest file]' \ '--no-route[Do not map a route to this app and remove routes from previous pushes of this app]' \ '--no-start[Do not start an app after pushing]' \ '--random-route[Create a random route for this app]' } __scale() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '-i=[Number of instances]:number of instances:' \ '-k=[Disk limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)]:disk limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G):' \ '-m=[Memory limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G)]:memory limit (e.g. 256M, 1024M, 1G):' \ '-f[Force restart of app without prompt]' } __delete() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '--f[Force deletion without confirmation]' \ '--r[Also delete any mapped routes]' } __rename() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '2:application name:' } __start() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' } __stop() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' } __restart() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' } __restage() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' } __restart-app-instance() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '2:application index:' } __events() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' } __files() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '2::path:' \ '-i=[instance]' } __logs() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '--recent[Dump recent logs instead of tailing]' } __env() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' } __set-env() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '2:env var name:' \ '3:env var value:' } __unset-env() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '2:env var name:' } __stacks() { # no arguments } __stack() { _arguments \ '1:stack name:__cf_stacks' \ '--guid[Retrieve and display the given stack guid. All other output for the stack is suppressed]' } __copy-source() { _arguments \ '1:source application name:__cf_apps' \ '2:target application name:' \ '-o=[Org that contains the target application]:organization name:__cf_orgs' \ '-s=[Space that contains the target application]:space name:__cf_spaces' \ '--no-restart[Override restart of the application in target environment after copy-source completes]' } __create-app-manifest() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '-p=[Specify a path for file creation. If path not specified, manifest file is created in current working directory]:path:_files' } __marketplace() { _arguments \ '-s=[Show plan details for a particular service offering]' } __services() { # no arguments } __service() { _arguments \ '1:service name:__cf_services' \ '--guid[Retrieve and display the given service guid. All other output for the service is suppressed]' } __create-service() { _arguments \ '1:service:__cf_marketplace_services' \ '2:plan:' \ '3:service name:' \ '-c=[Valid JSON object containing service-specific configuration parameters, provided either in-line or in a file]' \ '-t=[User provided tags]' } __update-service() { _arguments \ '1:service name:__cf_services' \ '-p=[Change service plan for a service instance]' \ '-c=[Valid JSON object containing service-specific configuration parameters, provided either in-line or in a file]' \ '-t=[User provided tags]' } __rename-service() { _arguments \ '1:service name:__cf_services' \ '2:service name:' } __delete-service() { _arguments \ '1:service name:__cf_services' \ '-f[Force deletion without confirmation]' } __create-service-key() { _arguments \ '1:service name:__cf_services' \ '2:service key:' \ '-c=[Valid JSON object containing service-specific configuration parameters, provided either in-line or in a file]' } __service-keys() { _arguments \ '1:service name:__cf_services' } __service-key() { _arguments \ '1:service name:__cf_services' \ '2:service key:' } __delete-service-key() { _arguments \ '1:service name:__cf_services' \ '2:service key:' \ '-f[Force deletion without confirmation]' } __bind-service() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '2:service name:__cf_services' \ '-c=[Valid JSON object containing service-specific configuration parameters, provided either in-line or in a file]' } __unbind-service() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '2:service name:__cf_services' } __create-user-provided-service() { _arguments \ '1:service name:' \ '-p=[Credentials]' \ '-l=[Syslog Drain Url]' } __update-user-provided-service() { _arguments \ '1:service name:__cf_services' \ '-p=[Credentials]' \ '-l=[Syslog Drain Url]' } __orgs() { # no arguments } __org() { _arguments \ '1:organization name:__cf_orgs' \ '--guid[Retrieve and display the given org guid. All other output for the org is suppressed]' } __create-org() { _arguments \ '1:organization name:' \ '-q=[Quota to assign to the newly created org (excluding this option results in assignment of default quota)]' } __delete-org() { _arguments \ '1:organization name:__cf_orgs' \ '-f[Force deletion without confirmation]' } __spaces() { # no arguments } __space() { _arguments \ '1:space name:__cf_spaces' \ '--guid[Retrieve and display the given space guid. All other output for the space is suppressed]' \ '--security-group-rules[Retrive the rules for all the security groups associated with the space]' } __create-space() { _arguments \ '1:space name:' \ '-o=[Org that contains the target application]:organization name:__cf_orgs' \ '-q=[Quota to assign to the newly created space (excluding this option results in assignment of default quota)]' } __delete-space() { _arguments \ '1:space name:__cf_spaces' \ '-f[Force deletion without confirmation]' } __domains() { # no arguments } __create-domain() { _arguments \ '1:organization name:__cf_orgs' \ '2:domain:' } __delete-domain() { _arguments \ '1:domain:__cf_domains' \ '-f[Force deletion without confirmation]' } __create-shared-domain() { _arguments \ '1:domain:' } __delete-shared-domain() { _arguments \ '1:domain:__cf_shared_domains' \ '-f[Force deletion without confirmation]' } __routes() { _arguments \ '--orglevel[List all the routes for all spaces of current organization]' } __create-route() { _arguments \ '1:space name:__cf_spaces' \ '2:domain:__cf_domains' \ '-n=[Hostname]' } __check-route() { _arguments \ '1:hostname:__cf_hostnames' \ '2:domain:__cf_domains' } __map-route() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '2:domain:__cf_domains' \ '-n=[Hostname]:hostname:__cf_hostnames:' } __unmap-route() { _arguments \ '1:application name:__cf_apps' \ '2:domain:__cf_domains' \ '-n=[Hostname]:hostname:__cf_hostnames:' } __delete-route() { _arguments \ '1:domain:__cf_domains' \ '-n=[Hostname]:hostname:__cf_hostnames:' \ '-f[Force deletion without confirmation]' } __delete-orphaned-routes() { _arguments \ '-f[Force deletion without confirmation]' } __buildpacks() { # no arguments } __create-buildpack() { _arguments \ '1:buildpack name:' \ '2:path:_files' \ '3:position:' \ '--enable[Enable the buildpack to be used for staging]' \ '--disable[Disable the buildpack from being used for staging]' } __update-buildpack() { _arguments \ '1:buildpack name:__cf_buildpacks' \ '-p=[Path to directory or zip file]:file:_files' \ '-i=[The order in which the buildpacks are checked during buildpack auto-detection]' \ '--enable[Enable the buildpack to be used for staging]' \ '--disable[Disable the buildpack from being used for staging]' \ '--lock[Lock the buildpack to prevent updates]' \ '--unlock[Unlock the buildpack to enable updates]' } __rename-buildpack() { _arguments \ '1:buildpack name:__cf_buildpacks' \ '2:new buildpack name:' } __delete-buildpack() { _arguments \ '1:buildpack name:__cf_buildpacks' \ '-f[Force deletion without confirmation]' } __running-environment-variable-group() { # no arguments } __staging-environment-variable-group() { # no arguments } __set-staging-environment-variable-group() { # no arguments } __set-running-environment-variable-group() { # no arguments } __feature-flags() { # no arguments } __feature-flag() { _arguments \ '1:feature name:__cf_feature_flags' } __enable-feature-flag() { _arguments \ '1:feature name:__cf_feature_flags' } __disable-feature-flag() { _arguments \ '1:feature name:__cf_feature_flags' } __curl() { _arguments \ '1:path:' \ '-i[Include response headers in the output]' \ '-v[Enable CF_TRACE output for all requests and responses]' \ '-X=[HTTP method]:http method:(GET POST PUT DELETE)' \ '-h=[Custom headers to include in the request, flag can be specified multiple times]' \ '-d=[HTTP data to include in the request body]' \ '--output[Write curl body to FILE instead of stdout]' } __config() { _arguments \ '--async-timeout=[Timeout for async HTTP requests]' \ '--trace=[Trace HTTP requests]:trace:(true false)' \ '--color=[Enable or disable color]:color:(true false)' \ '--locale=[Set default locale. If LOCALE is CLEAR, previous locale is deleted]' } __oauth-token() { # no arguments } __add-plugin-repo() { _arguments \ '1:repo name:' \ '2:url:' } __remove-plugin-repo() { _arguments \ '1:repo name:__cf_repo_plugins' \ '2:url:' } __list-plugin-repos() { # no arguments } __repo-plugins() { _arguments \ '-r=[Repo Name]:repo name:__cf_repo_plugins' } __plugins() { _arguments \ '-checksum[Compute and show the sha1 value of the plugin binary file]' } __install-plugin() { _arguments \ '1:plugin URL or path:_files' \ '-r=[repo name where the plugin binary is located]:repo name:__cf_repo_plugins' } __uninstall-plugin() { _arguments \ '1:plugin name:__cf_plugins' } __save-target() { _arguments \ '1:target-name:' \ '-f[Force save even if current target is already saved under another name]' } __set-target() { _arguments \ '1:target-name:__cf_targets' \ '-f[Force target change even if current target is unsaved]' } __delete-target() { _arguments \ '1:target-name:__cf_targets' } # ------------------ # ----- end Commands # ------------------ # ------------------- # ----- 1st Arguments # ------------------- local -a _1st_arguments _1st_arguments=( "login":"Log user in" "logout":"Log user out" "passwd":"Change user password" "target":"Set or view the targeted org or space" "api":"Set or view target api url" "auth":"Authenticate user non-interactively" "apps":"List all apps in the target space" "app":"Display health and status for app" "push":"Push a new app or sync changes to an existing app" "scale":"Change or view the instance count, disk space limit, and memory limit for an app" "delete":"Delete an app" "rename":"Rename an app" "start":"Start an app" "stop":"Stop an app" "restart":"Restart an app" "restage":"Restage an app" "restart-app-instance":"Terminate the running application Instance at the given index and instantiate a new instance of the application with the same index" "events":"Show recent app events" "files":"Print out a list of files in a directory or the contents of a specific file" "logs":"Tail or show recent logs for an app" "env":"Show all env variables for an app" "set-env":"Set an env variable for an app" "unset-env":"Remove an env variable" "stacks":"List all stacks" "stack":"Show information for a stack" "copy-source":"Make a copy of app source code from one application to another. Unless overridden, the copy-source command will restart the application" "create-app-manifest":"Create an app manifest for an app that has been pushed successfully" "marketplace":"List available offerings in the marketplace" "services":"List all service instances in the target space" "service":"Show service instance info" "create-service":"Create a service instance" "update-service":"Update a service instance" "delete-service":"Delete a service instance" "rename-service":"Rename a service instance" "create-service-key":"Create key for a service instance" "service-keys":"List keys for a service instance" "service-key":"Show service key info" "delete-service-key":"Delete a service key" "bind-service":"Bind a service instance to an app" "unbind-service":"Unbind a service instance from an app" "create-user-provided-service":"Make a user-provided service instance available to cf apps" "update-user-provided-service":"Update user-provided service instance name value pairs" "orgs":"List all orgs" "org":"Show org info" "create-org":"Create an org" "delete-org":"Delete an org" "rename-org":"Rename an org" "spaces":"List all spaces in an org" "space":"Show space info" "create-space":"Create a space" "delete-space":"Delete a space" "rename-space":"Rename a space" "domains":"List domains in the target org" "create-domain":"Create a domain in an org for later use" "delete-domain":"Delete a domain" "create-shared-domain":"Create a domain that can be used by all orgs (admin-only)" "delete-shared-domain":"Delete a shared domain" "routes":"List all routes in the current space or the current organization" "create-route":"Create a url route in a space for later use" "check-route":"Perform a simple check to determine whether a route currently exists or not" "map-route":"Add a url route to an app" "unmap-route":"Remove a url route from an app" "delete-route":"Delete a route" "delete-orphaned-routes":"Delete all orphaned routes (e.g.: those that are not mapped to an app)" "buildpacks":"List all buildpacks" "create-buildpack":"Create a buildpack" "update-buildpack":"Update a buildpack" "rename-buildpack":"Rename a buildpack" "delete-buildpack":"Delete a buildpack" "running-environment-variable-group":"Retrieve the contents of the running environment variable group" "staging-environment-variable-group":"Retrieve the contents of the staging environment variable group" "set-staging-environment-variable-group":"Pass parameters as JSON to create a staging environment variable group" "set-running-environment-variable-group":"Pass parameters as JSON to create a running environment variable group" "feature-flags":"Retrieve list of feature flags with status of each flag-able feature" "feature-flag":"Retrieve an individual feature flag with status" "enable-feature-flag":"Enable the use of a feature so that users have access to and can use the feature" "disable-feature-flag":"Disable the use of a feature so that users have access to and can use the feature" "curl":"Executes a raw request, content-type set to application/json by default" "config":"write default values to the config" "oauth-token":"Retrieve and display the OAuth token for the current session" "add-plugin-repo":"Add a new plugin repository" "remove-plugin-repo":"Remove a plugin repository" "list-plugin-repos":"list all the added plugin repository" "repo-plugins":"List all available plugins in all added repositories" "plugins":"list all available plugin commands" "install-plugin":"Install the plugin defined in command argument" "uninstall-plugin":"Uninstall the plugin defined in command argument" "targets":"List all saved targets (requires cf-targets plugin)" "save-target":"Save the current target under a given name (requires cf-targets plugin)" "set-target":"Restore a previously saved target (requires cf-targets plugin)" "delete-target":"Delete a saved target (requires cf-targets plugin)" ) # ----------------------- # ----- end 1st Arguments # ----------------------- # ---------- # ----- Main # ---------- _arguments '*:: :->command' if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then _describe -t commands "cf command" _1st_arguments return fi local -a _command_args case "$words[1]" in login) __login ;; logout) __logout ;; passwd) __passwd ;; target) __target ;; api) __api ;; auth) __auth ;; apps) __apps ;; app) __app ;; push) __push ;; scale) __scale ;; delete) __delete ;; rename) __rename ;; start) __start ;; stop) __stop ;; restart) __restart ;; restage) __restage ;; restart-app-instance) __restart-app-instance ;; events) __events ;; files) __files ;; logs) __logs ;; env) __env ;; set-env) __set-env ;; unset-env) __unset-env ;; stacks) __stacks ;; stack) __stack ;; copy-source) __copy-source ;; create-app-manifest) __create-app-manifest ;; marketplace) __marketplace ;; services) __services ;; service) __service ;; create-service) __create-service ;; update-service) __update-service ;; rename-service) __rename-service ;; delete-service) __delete-service ;; create-service-key) __create-service-key ;; service-keys) __service-keys ;; service-key) __service-key ;; delete-service-key) __delete-service-key ;; bind-service) __bind-service ;; unbind-service) __unbind-service ;; create-user-provided-service) __create-user-provided-service ;; update-user-provided-service) __update-user-provided-service ;; orgs) __orgs ;; org) __org ;; create-org) __create-org ;; delete-org) __delete-org ;; spaces) __spaces ;; space) __space ;; create-space) __create-space ;; delete-space) __delete-space ;; domains) __domains ;; create-domain) __create-domain ;; delete-domain) __delete-domain ;; create-shared-domain) __create-shared-domain ;; delete-shared-domain) __delete-shared-domain ;; routes) __routes ;; create-route) __create-route ;; check-route) __check-route ;; map-route) __map-route ;; unmap-route) __unmap-route ;; delete-route) __delete-route ;; delete-orphaned-routes) __delete-orphaned-routes ;; buildpacks) __buildpacks ;; create-buildpack) __create-buildpack ;; update-buildpack) __update-buildpack ;; rename-buildpack) __rename-buildpack ;; delete-buildpack) __delete-buildpack ;; running-environment-variable-group) __running-environment-variable-group ;; staging-environment-variable-group) __staging-environment-variable-group ;; set-staging-environment-variable-group) __set-staging-environment-variable-group ;; set-running-environment-variable-group) __set-running-environment-variable-group ;; feature-flags) __feature-flags ;; feature-flag) __feature-flag ;; enable-feature-flag) __enable-feature-flag ;; disable-feature-flag) __disable-feature-flag ;; curl) __curl ;; config) __config ;; oauth-token) __oauth-token ;; add-plugin-repo) __add-plugin-repo ;; remove-plugin-repo) __remove-plugin-repo ;; list-plugin-repos) __list-plugin-repos ;; repo-plugins) __repo-plugins ;; plugins) __plugins ;; install-plugin) __install-plugin ;; uninstall-plugin) __uninstall-plugin ;; save-target) __save-target ;; set-target) __set-target ;; delete-target) __delete-target ;; esac