#compdef ghc ghci ghc-pkg # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 2014 Github zsh-users - http://github.com/zsh-users # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the zsh-users nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ZSH-USERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Description # ----------- # # Completion script for ghc (http://www.haskell.org/ghc/) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Authors # ------- # # * GĂ©rard Milmeister # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local state local WORDS # # ghci # _ghc_ghci () { _ghc_compiler } # # ghc # _ghc_compiler () { _arguments \ "-no-hs-main[Don't assume this program contains main]" \ "-no-user-package-conf[Don't load the user's package config file]" \ '(- *)'{--help,-\?}'[Show help information]' \ '*-I-[Add directory to path for #include files]:directory:_files -/' \ '*-X-[Language flags]:flag:_ghc_language_flags' \ '*-d-[Debugging options]:flag:_ghc_debugging_options' \ '*-f-[Compiler options]:flag:_ghc_compiler_flags' \ '*-hide-package[Hide package]:Package:_ghc_pkg_list_packages' \ '*-i-[Add directory to import path]:directory:->ghc_include_directory' \ '*-package[Expose package]:Package:_ghc_pkg_list_packages' \ '*:file:_files -g \*.\{lhs,hs,hc,c,s\}' \ '--info[Display information about the compiler]' \ '--interactive[Interactive mode]' \ '--make[Compile and link a complete Haskell program]:file:_files -g "*.{lhs,hs,hc,c,s}"' \ '--numeric-version[Display GHC version (numeric only)]' \ '--print-libdir[Display GHC library directory]' \ '--show-iface[Show interface]:file:_files -g "*.hi"' \ '--supported-languages[Display the supported language extensions]' \ '-C[Stop after generating C]' \ '-E[Stop after generating preprocessed, de-litted Haskell]' \ '-H[Minimum heap size]:size:' \ '-M[Output Makefile rules]' \ '-O-[Enable optimization]:level:(0 1 2)' \ '-Rghc-timing[Summarise timing stats for GHC]' \ '-S[Stop after generating assembler]' \ '-V[Display GHC version]' \ '-W[Enable normal warnings]' \ '-Wall[Enable almost all warnings]' \ '-Werror[Make warnings fatal]' \ '-Wwarn[Make warnings non-fatal]' \ '-c[Stop after generating object files]' \ '-debug[Use the debugging runtime]' \ '-dynamic[Use dynamic Haskell libraries]' \ '-e[Evaluate expression]' \ '-hide-all-packages[Hide all packages by default]' \ '-n[Do a dry run]' \ '-o[Set output filename]:file:_files' \ '-outputdir[Set output directory]:directory:_files -/' \ '-package-name[Compile to be part of package]' \ '-prof[Turn on profiling]' \ '-threaded[Use the threaded runtime]' \ '-ticky[Turn on ticky-ticky profiling]' \ '-tmpdir[Set the directory for temporary files]:directory:_files -/' \ '-v-[Control verbosity]:level:(0 1 2 3 4 5)' \ '-w[Disable all warnings]' \ '-x[Override default behaviour for source files]:suffix:(hs lhs hc c s o hspp)' \ '-hcsuf[Set the suffix to use for intermediate]:suffix:' \ '-hidir[Set directory for interface files]:directory:_files -/' \ '-hisuf[Set the suffix to use for interface files]:suffix:' \ '-odir[Set directory for object files]:directory:_files -/' \ '-osuf[Set the output file suffix]:suffix:' \ '-stubdir[Redirect FFi stub files]:directory:_files -/' \ '-outputdir[Set output directory]:directory:_files -/' \ '-keep-hc-files[Retain intermediate .hc files]' \ '-keep-s-files[Retain intermediate .s files]' \ '-keep-raw-s-files[Retain intermediate .raw_s files]' \ '-keep-tmp-files[Retain all intermediate temporary files]' \ '-static[Use static Haskell libraries]' \ '-split-objs[Split objects (for libraries)]' \ '-no-link[Omit linking]' \ '-main-is[Set main module and function]:function:' \ '*-L-[Add dir to the list of directories searched for libraries]:directory:_files -/' \ '*-l-[Link in library]:library:->library' [[ -n "$state" ]] && case "$state" in ghc_include_directory) _ghc_include_directory ;; library) _wanted libraries expl library \ compadd - \ ${^=LD_LIBRARY_PATH:-/usr/lib /usr/local/lib}/lib*.(a|so*)(:t:fr:s/lib//) \ && ret=0 esac } _ghc_include_directory () { compset -P '*:' compset -S ':*' _path_files -r': ' -/ } _ghc_compiler_flags () { local _ghc_compiler_flags_list _ghc_compiler_flags_list=( {no-,}'break-on-error:Break on uncaught exceptions and errors' {no-,}'break-on-exception:Break on any exception thrown' 'error-spans:Output full span in error messages' 'ext-core:Generate .hcr external Core file' 'force-recomp:Turn off recompilation checking' {no-,}'glasgow-exts:Enable most language extensions' 'history-size:Set simplification history size' 'no-asm-mangling:Turn off assembly mangling' 'no-black-holing:Turn off black holing' "no-hi-version-check:Don't complain about .hi file mismatches" 'no-implicit-import-qualified:Turn off implicit qualified import of everything in GHCi' 'no-print-bind-contents:Turn off printing of binding contents in GHCi' {no-,}'print-bind-result:Turn on printing of binding results in GHCi' {no-,}'print-evld-with-show:Enable usage of Show instances in \:print' 'unregisterised:Unregisterised compilation' 'asm:Use the native code generator' 'via-C:Compile via C' 'no-code:Omit code generation' 'byte-code:Generate byte-code' 'object-code:Generate object code' 'hpc:Turn on Haskell program coverage instrumentation' 'PIC:Generate position-independent code' 'context-stack=:Set the limit for context reduction (default is 20)' {no-,}'disambiguate-record-fields:Enable record field disambiguation' {no-,}'irrefutable-tuples:Make tuple pattern matching irrefutable' {no-,}'warn-warnings-deprecations:Warn about uses of functions & types that have warnings or deprecated pragmas' {no-,}'warn-deprecated-flags:Warn about uses of commandline flags that are deprecated' {no-,}'warn-duplicate-exports:Warn when an entity is exported multiple times' {no-,}'warn-hi-shadowing:Warn when a .hi file in the current directory shadows a library' {no-,}'warn-implicit-prelude:Warn when the Prelude is implicitly imported' {no-,}'warn-incomplete-patterns:Warn when a pattern match could fail' {no-,}'warn-incomplete-record-updates:Warn when a record update could fail' {no-,}'warn-missing-fields:Warn when fields of a record are uninitialised' {no-,}'warn-missing-methods:Warn when class methods are undefined' {no-,}'warn-missing-signatures:Warn about top-level functions without signatures' ) _describe -t flags 'ghc' _ghc_compiler_flags_list || compadd "$@" } _ghc_debugging_options () { local _ghc_debugging_options_list _ghc_debugging_options_list=( "dump-hi:Dump the new interface to stdout" "dump-hi-diffs:Show the differences vs. the old interface" "dump-minimal-imports:Dump a minimal set of imports" "core-lint:Turn on internal sanity checking" "dump-asm:Dump assembly" "dump-bcos:Dump interpreter byte code" "dump-cmm:Dump C-- output" "dump-cpranal:Dump output from CPR analysis" "dump-cse:Dump CSE output" "dump-deriv:Dump deriving output" "dump-ds:Dump desugarer output" 'dump-flatC:Dump "flat" C' "dump-foreign:Dump foreign export stubs" "dump-hpc:Dump after instrumentation for program coverage" "dump-inlinings:Dump inlining info" "dump-occur-anal:Dump occurrence analysis output" "dump-opt-cmm:Dump the results of C-- to C-- optimising passes" "dump-parsed:Dump parse tree" "dump-prep:Dump prepared core" "dump-rn:Dump renamer output" "dump-rules:Dump rules" "dump-simpl:Dump final simplifier output" "dump-simpl-phases:Dump output from each simplifier phase" "dump-simpl-iterations:Dump output from each simplifier iteration" "dump-spec:Dump specialiser output" "dump-splices:Dump TH spliced expressions" "dump-stg:Dump final STG" "dump-stranal:Dump strictness analyser output" "dump-tc:Dump typechecker output" "dump-types:Dump type signatures" "dump-worker-wrapper:Dump worker-wrapper output" "dump-if-trace:Trace interface files" "dump-tc-trace:Trace typechecker" ) _describe -t flags 'ghc' _ghc_debugging_options_list || compadd "$@" } _ghc_language_flags () { local _ghc_language_flags_list _ghc_language_flags_list=( "Arrows:Enable arrow notation extension" "BangPatterns:Enable bang patterns" "CPP:Enable the C preprocessor" "ConstrainedClassMethods:Enable constrained class methods" "DeriveDataTypeable:Enable deriving for the Data and Typeable classes" "DisambiguateRecordFields:Enable record field disambiguation" "EmptyDataDecls:Enable empty data declarations" "ExistentialQuantification:Enable existential quantification" "ExtendedDefaultRules:Use GHCi's extended default rules in a normal module" "FlexibleContexts:Enable flexible contexts" "FlexibleInstances:Enable flexible instances" "ForeignFunctionInterface:Enable foreign function interface" "FunctionalDependencies:Enable functional dependencies" "GADTs:Enable generalised algebraic data types" "GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving:Enable newtype deriving" "Generics:Enable generic classes" "ImplicitParams:Enable Implicit Parameters" "ImpredicativeTypes:Enable impredicative types" "IncoherentInstances:Enable incoherent instances" "KindSignatures:Enable kind signatures" "LiberalTypeSynonyms:Enable liberalised type synonyms" "MultiParamTypeClasses:Enable multi parameter type classes" "NamedFieldPuns:Enable record puns" "NewQualifiedOperators:Enable new qualified operator syntax" "NoImplicitPrelude:Don't implicitly import Prelude" "NoMonoPatBinds:Make pattern bindings polymorphic" "NoMonomorphismRestriction:Disable the monomorphism" "OverlappingInstances:Enable overlapping instances" "OverloadedStrings:Enable overloaded string literals" "PArr:Enable parallel arrays" "PackageImports:Enable package-qualified imports" "ParallelListComp:Enable parallel list comprehensions" "PatternGuards:Enable pattern guards" "PolymorphicComponents:Enable polymorphic components for data constructors" "QuasiQuotes:Enable quasiquotation" "Rank2Types:Enable rank-2 types" "RankNTypes:Enable rank-N types" "RecordWildCards:Enable record wildcards" "RecursiveDo:Enable recursive do (mdo) notation" "RelaxedPolyRec:Relaxed checking for mutually-recursive polymorphic functions" "ScopedTypeVariables:Enable lexically-scoped type variables" "StandaloneDeriving:Enable standalone deriving" "TemplateHaskell:Enable Template Haskell" "TransformListComp:Enable transform list comprehensions" "TypeFamilies:Enable type families" "TypeOperators:Enable type operators" "TypeSynonymInstances:Enable type synonyms" "UnboxedTuples:Enable unboxed tuples" "UndecidableInstances:Enable undecidable instances" "UnicodeSyntax:Enable unicode syntax" "UnliftedFFITypes:Enable unlifted FFI types" "ViewPatterns:Enable view patterns" 'MagicHash:Allow "#" as a postfix modifier on identifiers' ) _describe -t flags 'ghc' _ghc_language_flags_list || compadd "$@" } # # ghc-pkg # _ghc_pkg () { WORDS=() for w in $words[1,(($CURRENT - 1))]; do if [[ $w != --* ]]; then WORDS+=$w; fi done _arguments '*:command:_ghc_pkg_command' } _ghc_pkg_command() { local -a _ghc_pkg_cmds _ghc_pkg_cmds=( "register:Register the package using package description" "update:Register the package (overwriting existing package)" "unregister:Unregister the specified package" "expose:Expose the specified package" "hide:Hide the specified package" "list:List registered packages" "find-module:List registered packages exposing module" "latest:Prints the highest registered version of a package" "check:Check the consistency of package depenencies and list broken packages" "describe:Give the registered description for the specified package" "field:Extract the specified field of the package description" "dump:Dump the registered description for every package" ) if (( $#WORDS == 1 )); then _describe -t commands 'command' _ghc_pkg_cmds || compadd "$@" else local curcontext="$curcontext" cmd="${${_ghc_pkg_cmds[(r)$WORDS[2]:*]%%:*}}" if (( $#cmd )); then _arguments \ "--user[Use current user's package database]" \ '--global[User the global package database]' \ {-f,--package-conf=}'[Use the specified package config file]:Package config file:_files' \ '--no-user-package-conf[Never reader the user package config]' \ {-V,--version}'[Output version information and exit]' \ '--force[Ignore missing directories and libraries only]' \ {-g,--auto-ghci-libs}'[Automatically build libs for GHCi]' \ {-?,--help}'[Display this help and exit]' \ '--simple-output[Print output in easy-to-parse format for some commands]' \ '--names-only[Only print package names, not versions]' \ '--ignore-case[Ignore case for substring matching]' \ '*:argument:_ghc_pkg_'$cmd else _message "unknown ghc-pkg command: $WORDS[2]" fi fi } _ghc_pkg_unregister () { _ghc_pkg_list_packages } _ghc_pkg_expose () { _ghc_pkg_list_packages } _ghc_pkg_hide () { _ghc_pkg_list_packages } _ghc_pkg_latest () { _ghc_pkg_list_packages } _ghc_pkg_describe () { _ghc_pkg_list_packages } _ghc_pkg_field () { _ghc_pkg_available_packages if (( $#WORDS == 2 )); then compadd "$@" -a -- _ghc_pkg_packages elif (( $#WORDS == 3 )); then compset -P '*,' compset -S ',*' compadd "$@" -S ',' -q -- \ name version license copyright maintainer \ stability homepage package-url description \ category author exposed exposed-modules \ hidden-modules import-dirs hs-libraries \ extra-libraries extra-ghci-libraries include-dirs \ includes depends hugs-options cc-options ld-options \ framework-dirs frameworks haddock-interfaces \ haddock-html fi } _ghc_pkg_register () { _files } _ghc_pkg_update () { _files } _ghc_pkg_list () { _ghc_pkg_list_packages } _ghc_pkg_find-module () { if (( $#WORDS == 2)); then if ( [[ ${+_ghc_modules} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid GHC_MODULES ) && ! _retrieve_cache GHC_MODULES; then _ghc_modules=( $(ghc-pkg dump | sed -n '/^exposed-modules:/{s/^exposed-modules:[ ]\+\(.*\)$/\1/;s/ /\n/;p;be};b;:e;n;/^ /{s/^[ ]\+\(.*\)$/\1/;s/ /\n/;p;be}') ) _store_cache GHC_MODULES _ghc_modules fi compadd "$@" -a -- _ghc_modules fi } _ghc_pkg_dump () {} _ghc_pkg_check () {} _ghc_pkg_available_packages () { if ( [[ ${+_ghc_pkg_packages_pkgs} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid GHC_PACKAGES ) && ! _retrieve_cache GHC_PACKAGES; then _ghc_pkg_packages=( $(ghc-pkg list --simple-output --names-only) ) _store_cache GHC_PACKAGES _ghc_pkg_packages fi } _ghc_pkg_list_packages () { _ghc_pkg_available_packages compadd "$@" -a -- _ghc_pkg_packages } # # dispatcher # case $service in ghc) _ghc_compiler ;; ghci) _ghc_ghci ;; ghc-pkg) _ghc_pkg ;; esac