#compdef play # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Description # ----------- # # Completion script for Play! framework 1.2.2 (http://www.playframework.org). # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Authors # ------- # # * Julien Nicoulaud # * Mario Fernandez (https://github.com/sirech) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _play() { local context curcontext="$curcontext" state line typeset -A opt_args local ret=1 _arguments -C \ '1: :_play_cmds' \ '*::arg:->args' \ && ret=0 case $state in (args) curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:play-cmd-$words[1]:" case $line[1] in (build-module|list-modules|lm|check|id) _message 'no more arguments' && ret=0 ;; (dependencies|deps) _arguments \ '1:: :_play_apps' \ '(--debug)--debug[Debug mode (even more informations logged than in verbose mode)]' \ '(--jpda)--jpda[Listen for JPDA connection. The process will suspended until a client is plugged to the JPDA port.]' \ '(--sync)--sync[Keep lib/ and modules/ directory synced. Delete unknown dependencies.]' \ '(--verbose)--verbose[Verbose Mode]' \ && ret=0 ;; (clean|javadoc|jd|out|pid|secret|stop) _arguments '1:: :_play_apps' && ret=0 ;; (help) _arguments '1: :_play_cmds -F "(cp deps ec idea jd st lm nb nm help antify evolutions evolutions:apply evolutions:markApplied evolutions:resolve)"' && ret=0 ;; (status|st) _arguments \ '1:: :_play_apps' \ '(--url)--url[If you want to monitor an application running on a remote server, specify the application URL using this option]:URL:_urls' \ '(--secret)--secret[You can provide your own secret key using this option]:Secret key' \ && ret=0 ;; (new) _arguments \ '1: :_play_apps' \ '(--with)--with[Automatically enable this set of module for the newly created application]:Modules list:_play_modules_list' \ && ret=0 ;; (install) _arguments '1:Play! module:_play_modules_dash_versions' && ret=0 ;; (new-module) _arguments '1:Module directory:_files -/' && ret=0 ;; (test|precompile|run|start|war|auto-test|classpath|cp|eclipsify|ec|idealize|idea|modules|netbeansify|nb) local cmd_args; cmd_args=( '1:: :_play_apps' '(--deps)--deps[Resolve and install dependencies before running the command]' ) case $line[1] in (precompile|run|start|restart|war) local app_dir="$line[2]" [[ -d "$app_dir" ]] || app_dir=. [[ -f "$app_dir/conf/application.conf" ]] && cmd_args+=('--'${(u)${(M)$(<$app_dir/conf/application.conf):#%*}%%.*}'[Use this ID to run the application (override the default framework ID)]') ;| (test|run) cmd_args+=('(-f)-f[Disable the JPDA port checking and force the jpda.port value]') ;| (war) cmd_args+=( '(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[The path where the WAR directory will be created. The contents of this directory will first be deleted]:output directory:_files -/' '(--zip)--zip[By default, the script creates an exploded WAR. If you want a zipped archive, specify the --zip option]' '(--exclude)--exclude[Excludes a list of colon separated directories]:excluded directories list:_play_colon_dirs_list' ) ;| (test|run|start|restart|war) cmd_args+=('*:Java option') ;; esac _arguments "$cmd_args[@]" && ret=0 ;; *) _call_function ret _play_cmd_$words[1] && ret=0 (( ret )) && _message 'no more arguments' ;; esac ;; esac } # FIXME Completes only core commands, some modules add commands too (eg Maven). Where do we get them ? # FIXME Parse 'play help' and 'play help ' (for aliases) instead of hard-coding. (( $+functions[_play_cmds] )) || _play_cmds() { local commands; commands=( 'antify:Create a build.xml file for this project' 'auto-test:Automatically run all application tests' 'build-module:Build and package a module' 'check:Check for a release newer than the current one' {classpath,cp}':Display the computed classpath' 'clean:Delete temporary files (including the bytecode cache)' {dependencies,deps}':Resolve and retrieve project dependencies' {eclipsify,ec}':Create all Eclipse configuration files' 'evolutions:Run the evolution check' 'evolutions\:apply:Automatically apply pending evolutions' 'evolutions\:mark:AppliedMark pending evolutions as manually applied' 'evolutions\:resolve:Resolve partially applied evolution' 'help:Display help on a specific command' 'id:Define the framework ID' {idealize,idea}':Create all IntelliJ Idea configuration files' 'install:Install a module' {javadoc,jd}':Generate your application Javadoc' {list-modules,lm}':List modules available from the central modules repository' 'modules:Display the computed modules list' {netbeansify,nb}':Create all NetBeans configuration files' 'new:Create a new application' {new-module,nm}':Create a module' 'out:Follow logs/system.out file' 'pid:Show the PID of the running application' 'precompile:Precompile all Java sources and templates to speed up application start-up' 'restart:Restart the running application' 'run:Run the application in the current shell' 'secret:Generate a new secret key' 'start:Start the application in the background' {status,st}':Display the running application status' 'stop:Stop the running application' 'test:Run the application in test mode in the current shell' 'war:Export the application as a standalone WAR archive' ) _describe -t commands 'Play! command' commands "$@" } (( $+functions[_play_apps] )) || _play_apps() { _wanted application expl 'Play! application directory' _files -/ } (( $+functions[_play_modules] )) || _play_modules() { local modules; modules=(${(ps:,:)${${${(S)${(f)$(_call_program modules $service list-modules)}//\]*\[/,}%%\]*}##*\[}}) _describe -t modules 'Play! module' modules "$@" } (( $+functions[_play_modules_dash_versions] )) || _play_modules_dash_versions() { local ret=1 if compset -P '*-'; then local versions; versions=(${(ps:,:)${${${${${(f)$(_call_program versions $service list-modules)}##*${IPREFIX%-}\]}#*Versions:}%%"~"*}//[[:space:]]/}}) _describe -t module-versions "${IPREFIX%-} module versions" versions && ret=0 else _wanted modules expl 'Play! module' _play_modules -qS- && ret=0 fi } (( $+functions[_play_modules_list] )) || _play_modules_list() { compset -P '*,'; compset -S ',*' _wanted module-list expl 'Play! modules list' _play_modules -qS, } (( $+functions[_play_colon_dirs_list] )) || _play_colon_dirs_list() { compset -P '*:'; compset -S ':*' _wanted directories-list expl 'Directories list' _files -/ -qS: } _play "$@" # Local Variables: # mode: Shell-Script # sh-indentation: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # sh-basic-offset: 2 # End: # vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et