_socat: initial commit

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Vincent Breitmoser 2013-02-24 17:58:22 +01:00
parent a182b009d0
commit 6958a4b251
1 changed files with 233 additions and 0 deletions

src/_socat Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
#compdef socat
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description
# -----------
# Completion script for socat ( http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/ ).
# Source: https://github.com/Valodim/zsh-socat-completion
# Last updated: 23.02.2013, commit 3c564c9
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors
# -------
# * Valodim ( https://github.com/Valodim )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (( ! $+_socat_params || ! $+_socat_groups )); then
# we cache socat parameters, groups, option groups, option types parsed
# straight from socat, since these are platform specific
typeset -gHA _socat_params _socat_groups _socat_opt_groups _socat_opt_types
if _cache_invalid socat-params || _cache_invalid socat-groups \
|| ! _retrieve_cache socat-params || ! _retrieve_cache socat-groups ; then
() {
setopt localoptions rematchpcre
local line
# anyone know a better way to do "get rest starting from matching line" than awk?
_call_program socat-params socat -h | awk '/address-head:/,0 { print }' | while read -r line; do
# parse line, format: proxy:<proxy-server>:<host>:<port> groups=A,B,C
[[ $line =~ '([^:]+)((?::<[^:]+>)*)\s+groups=(.+)' ]] || continue
# canonicalize and note down parameters
# store groups for this parameter
_store_cache socat-params _socat_params
_store_cache socat-groups _socat_groups
if _cache_invalid socat-opt-groups || _cache_invalid socat-opt-types \
|| ! _retrieve_cache socat-opt-groups || ! _retrieve_cache socat-opt-types ; then
() {
setopt localoptions rematchpcre
local line
_call_program socat-opts socat -hh | awk '/opt:/,0 { print }' | while read -r line; do
# parse format: wronly groups=OPEN phase=OPEN type=BOOL
[[ $line =~ ' *(\w+)\s+groups=(\w+)\s.+type=(\w+)' ]] || continue
_store_cache socat-opt-groups _socat_opt_groups
_store_cache socat-opt-types _socat_opt_types
if (( ! $+_socat_param_handler )); then
typeset -gHA _socat_param_handler
# bunch of manually extracted parameter handlers. names work as both
create _files
gopen _files
open _files
pipe '_files -g *(p)'
unix-connect '_files -g *(=)'
unix-listen '_files -g *(=)'
unix-sendto '_files -g *(=)'
unix-recvfrom '_files -g *(=)'
unix-client '_files -g *(=)'
host '_hosts -S : -r :,\ \\t\\n\\-'
if (( ! $+_socat_opt_handler )); then
typeset -gHA _socat_opt_handler
# bunch of manually extracted handlers
history _files
lockfile _files
waitlock _files
allow-table _files
deny-table _files
link _files
cert _files
key _files
dhparams _files
cafile _files
egdfile _files
capath '_files -/'
tcpwrap-etc '_files -/'
capath '_files -/'
chroot-early '_files -/'
path _directories
group _groups
group-early _groups
group-late _groups
setgid _groups
setgid-early _groups
user _users
user-early _users
user-late _users
setuid _users
setuid-early _users
su _users
su-d _users
_socat_address_head() {
setopt localoptions extendedglob
# do we have a socket type yet?
if ! compset -P 1 '(#b)(*)(:|,)'; then
# all which have pameters (ie, non-empty values)
compadd -M 'M:{[:upper:]}={[:lower:]}' -S : -r ":, \t\n\-" -k '_socat_params[(R)?*]'
# others (ie, empty value)
compadd -M 'M:{[:upper:]}={[:lower:]}' -S , -q -k '_socat_params[(R)]'
return 0
local expl ret=1
# any parameters?
local socket_type="${(L)match[1]}" lastop="$match[2]"
local -a params_left
params_left=( "${(@s:,:)_socat_params[$socket_type]}" )
if [[ $lastop == ':' ]]; then
# chunk away the parameters
while compset -P 1 '[^:]#:'; do
(( $#params_left > 0 )) && shift params_left
if compset -P '*,'; then
elif (( $#params_left == 0 )); then
_message -e parameters "No more parameters for $socket_type" && return 0
# do we have a handler? this works either by typename or socket type
if (( $+_socat_param_handler[$socket_type] )); then
_wanted param expl "parameter $params_left[1]" "${(@z)_socat_param_handler[$socket_type]}" && return 0
elif (( $+_socat_param_handler[${params_left[1]}] )); then
_wanted param expl "parameter $params_left[1]" "${(@z)_socat_param_handler[$params_left[1]]}" && return 0
_message -e parameters "$params_left[1]" && return 0
# shift to make warning msg below accurate
(( $#params_left > 0 )) && shift params_left
# got any params left? At least leave a note..
(( $#params_left > 0 )) && _message -e parameters "Unfilled parameters: $params_left"
if [[ $lastop == ',' ]]; then
# chip away all old opts
compset -P '*,'
# is it one with a type?
if compset -P '(#b)(*)\='; then
if (( $+_socat_opt_types[$match[1]] )); then
# do we have a handler?
if (( $+_socat_opt_handler[$match[1]] )); then
_wanted optparam expl "option parameter <$_socat_opt_types[$match[1]]>" "${(@z)_socat_opt_handler[$match[1]]}" && return 0
_message -e optparam "opt param for $match[1]: $_socat_opt_types[$match[1]]" && return 0
_message -e optparam "opt param for $match[1]: unknown" && return 0
# add completions for all groups, then
_tags "${(s:,:)_socat_groups[$socket_type]}"
while _tags; do
for g in ${(s:,:)_socat_groups[$socket_type]}; do
_requested $g expl "${(L)g}" \
compadd -M 'M:{[:upper:]}={[:lower:]}' -S = -r '=, \t\n\-' -k "_socat_opt_groups[(R)$g]" && ret=0
(( ret )) || break
return ret
# complete common options
_arguments \
-V'[print version and feature information to stdout, and exit]' \
-h'[print a help text describing command line options and addresses, and exit]' \
-hh'[like -h, plus a list of all common address option names]' \
-hhh'[like -hh, plus a list of all available address option names]' \
\*-d'[increase verbosity (use up to 4 times; 2 are recommended)]' \
-D'[analyze file descriptors before loop]' \
-ly'[log to syslog, using facility (default is daemon)]:log facility:( auth authpriv cron daemon kern lpr mail mark news security syslog user uucp local0 local1 local2 local3 local4 local5 local6 local7 )' \
-lf'[log to file]:log file:_files' \
-ls'[log to stderr (default if no other log)]' \
-lm'[mixed log mode (stderr during initialization, then syslog)]:log facility:( auth authpriv cron daemon kern lpr mail mark news security syslog user uucp local0 local1 local2 local3 local4 local5 local6 local7 )' \
-lp'[set the program name used for logging]:log program name' \
-lu'[use microseconds for logging timestamps]' \
-lh'[add hostname to log messages]' \
'(-x)'-v'[verbose data traffic, text]' \
'(-v)'-x'[verbose data traffic, hexadecimal]' \
-b'[set data buffer size (8192)]:buffer size (bytes)' \
-s'[sloppy (continue on error)]' \
-t'[wait seconds before closing second channel]:timeout (seconds)' \
-T'[total inactivity timeout in seconds]:timeout (seconds)' \
'(-U)'-u'[unidirectional mode (left to right)]' \
'(-u)'-U'[unidirectional mode (right to left)]' \
-g'[do not check option groups]' \
'(-W)'-L'[try to obtain lock, or fail]:lockfile:_files' \
'(-L)'-W'[try to obtain lock, or wait]:lockfile:_files' \
'(-6)'-4'[prefer IPv4 if version is not explicitly specified]' \
'(-4)'-6'[prefer IPv6 if version is not explicitly specified]' \
'*:socket:_socat_address_head' && return 0