Some more work on properties completion

This commit is contained in:
Julien Nicoulaud 2011-08-04 17:56:09 +02:00
parent 1f631c9a7b
commit 5d81958b0c
1 changed files with 12 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -361,16 +361,16 @@ _mvn_properties() {
case $property in
file) _wanted file expl 'file' _files && ret=0;;
pomFile) _wanted pom-file expl 'POM file' _mvn_pom_files && ret=0;;
groupId) _wanted file expl 'groupId' _mvn_groupIds && ret=0;;
artifactId) _wanted file expl 'artifactId' _mvn_artifactIds && ret=0;;
groupId) _wanted groupId expl 'groupId' _mvn_groupIds && ret=0;;
artifactId) _wanted artifactId expl 'artifactId' _mvn_artifactIds && ret=0;;
repositoryId) _message -e repositoryIds 'repositoryId' && ret=0;; # TODO Not implemented
classifier) _message -e classifiers 'classifier' && ret=0;; # TODO Not implemented
classifier) _message -e classifiers 'classifier' && ret=0;;
scope) _wanted scope expl 'scope' _mvn_scopes && ret=0;;
*url*) _message -e urls 'url' && ret=0;; # TODO Not implemented
*url*) _wanted url expl 'url' _urls && ret=0;; # TODO Use _alternative and add repository urls from settings + projects
*password|*passphrase) _wanted password expl $property _mvn_passwords && ret=0;;
version) _message -e versions 'version' && ret=0;; # TODO Not implemented
version) _wanted version expl 'version' _mvn_versions && ret=0;;
createChecksum|generatePom|maven.test.skip) _wanted boolean expl 'boolean' _mvn_booleans && ret=0;;
user|username) _message -e usernames 'username' && ret=0;; # TODO Not implemented
user|username) _wanted user expl 'user' _users && ret=0;; # TODO Use _alternative and add repository usernames from settings + projects
*) _default && ret=0;;
@ -460,6 +460,12 @@ _mvn_artifactIds() {
return ret
(( $+functions[_mvn_versions] )) ||
_mvn_versions() {
# TODO Make it contextual to -DgroupIds/-DartifactIds
_message -e versions 'version'
(( $+functions[_mvn_booleans] )) ||
_mvn_booleans() {
local booleans; booleans=(