"(-c --classify -l --learn= -t --tag -u --update -U --update-reference -m --move-mails)"{-w,--watch}"[continuously monitor the mailbox for new messages matching the given query]" \
"(-c --classify -l --learn= -u --update -U --update-reference -m --move-mails -w --watch)"{-t,--tag}"[run the tag filters]" \
"(-c --classify -t --tag -u --update -U --update-reference -m --move-mails -w --watch)"{-l,--learn=}"[train category with the messages matching query]" \
"(-c --classify -l --learn= -t --tag -U --update-reference -m --move-mails -w --watch)"{-u,--update}"[update the categories (requires no query)]" \
"(-c --classify -l --learn= -t --tag -u --update -m --move-mails -w --watch)"{-U,--update-reference}"[update the reference category (takes quite some time) (requires no query)]" \
"(-l --learn= -t --tag -u --update -U --update-reference -m --move-mails -w --watch)"{-c,--classify}"[classify each message matching the iven query]" \
"(-c --classify -l --learn= -t --tag -u --update -U --update-reference -w --watch)"{-m,--move-mails}"[move mail files between maildir folders]" \
"(-n --all)"{-a,--all}"[operate on all email]" \
"(-a --new)"{-n,--new}"[operate on all new email]" \
{-C,--notmuch-config=}"[specify path to notmuch configuration file]:files:_files" \
{-e,--enable-filters=}"[specify filter classes to use]:filter" \
{-d,--dry-run}"[don't change the DB]" \
{-R,--reference-set-size=}"[specify size of the reference set]:size [1000]" \
{-T,--reference-set-timeframe-days=}"[don't use emails older than specified age]:age (days) [30]" \