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2011-09-25 17:08:17 +00:00
#compdef lunar lin lrm lvu
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description
# -----------
# Completion script for Lunar (http://www.lunar-linux.org)
# Source: https://github.com/Valodim/lunar-zsh-completion
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors
# -------
# * Valodim (https://github.com/Valodim)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# completion for lunar itself (different name, see below)
_lunar_comp() {
local suf ret=1 curcontext="$curcontext"
local -a vals state line expl
# regular arguments, this will probably just hand down to the * command below
_arguments -C \
'(- :)-d[Enables debug messages]' \
'(- :)-h[Display help text]' \
'(- :)-v[Increases the level of message output]' \
'*::command:->command' && return 0
# complete the first word, ie. subcommand
if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
local -a lunar_commands
# all lunar subcommands
'prune:Removes old sources and install/compile logs'
'renew:Checks ver. against moonbase & recompiles if necessary'
'update:Fetches latest moonbase and then does a "renew"'
'rebuild:Recompiles all installed modules'
'optimize:Shortcut to the optimization menu'
'fix:Check and fix all modules and internal state of lunar'
'nofix:Check but do not fix modules and internal state'
'fixdepends:Check and fix the dependency database of lunar'
'set:Check internal variable(s) and assign their values'
'unset:Unsets an internal variable'
'resurrect:Force modulename(s) to be unpacked from /var/cache'
'install:Install a checklist of modules'
'remove:Remove a checklist of modules'
'hold:Place a hold on a checklist of modules'
'unhold:Remove a hold on a checklist of modules'
'exile:Remove a module a/o prevent it from being resurrected'
'unexile:Allows a module to be compiled|resurrected again')
# just show the commands with description
_describe -t commands 'lunar command' lunar_commands && ret=0
return ret
# at this point, we have to decide what to complete for specific subcommands
# make a list of subcommands with no further arguments for later
local -a lunar_no_args
lunar_no_args=( prune renew update rebuild optimize fix nofix fixdepends )
# update the current context
# if there is a specific function of the form _lunar-subcommand
if (( $+functions[_lunar-$words[1]] )); then
# call that for completion
_call_function ret _lunar-$words[1]
elif [[ -n "${lunar_no_args[(r)${words[1]}]}" ]]; then
# all commands from the array above take no further arguments
_message "lunar ${words[1]} requires no arguments"
# by default, complete modules
return ret
# specific completion for lunar set
_lunar-set() {
# second argument: all lunar variables
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
local vars
vars=( ${(f)"$(cat /var/lib/lunar/unset.sh | cut -d' ' -f2)"} )
_describe -t modules 'lunar variable' vars && return 0
# third argument: some value
elif (( CURRENT == 3 )); then
_message "value"
# no further argument
_message "no further arguments"
_lunar-unset() {
local vars
vars=( ${(f)"$(cat /var/lib/lunar/unset.sh | cut -d' ' -f2)"} )
_describe -t modules 'lunar variable' vars && return 0
_lunar-unhold() {
local vals
vals=( ${(f)"$(lvu held | sort | uniq)"} )
_describe -t modules 'held modules' vals && return 0
_lunar-unexile() {
local vals
vals=( ${(f)"$(lvu exiled | sort | uniq)"} )
_describe -t modules 'exiled modules' vals && return 0
_lrm() {
_arguments \
'(-d --debug)'{-d,--debug}'[Enables debug messages]' \
'(-D --downgrade)'{-D,--downgrade}'[downgrades a module]:module:_lunar_modules:version' \
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Displays this help text]' \
'(-k --keepconfig)'{-k,--keepconfig}'[remove module(s) but keep dependencies and config]' \
'(-n --nosustain)'{-n,--nosustain}'[removes module(s) even if they are sustained]' \
'(-u --upgrade)'{-u,--upgrade}'[remove the module but do not run scripts etc.]' \
'(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[Increases the level of message output]' \
'(-p --purge)'{-p,--purge}'[Delete all modules that depend on the module(s) being removed as well]' \
'*:module:_lunar_installed_modules' && return 0
_lin() {
_arguments \
'(-c --compile)'{-c,--compile}'[Ignore /var/cache/lunar and compiles]' \
'(-d --debug)'{-d,--debug}'[Enables debug messages]' \
'--deps[Configure modules and determine dependencies]' \
'(-f --from)'{-f,--from}'[Specify an alternate for /var/spool/lunar]:directory:_files -/' \
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Displays help text]' \
'--opts[Add custom configure options to the module]:configure option string' \
'(-p --probe)'{-p,--probe}'[Only lin if not already installed]' \
'(-r --reconfigure)'{-r,--reconfigure}'[Select new dependencies for modules]' \
'(-R --resurrect)'{-R,--resurrect}'[Force to be unpacked from /var/cache/lunar]' \
'(-s --silent)'{-s,--silent}'[Decreases the level of message output]' \
'(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[Increases the level of message output]' \
'(-w --want)'{-w,--want}'[Try to install a different version]:wanted version' \
'*:module:_lunar_modules' && return 0
# completion for lvu, very similar to the lunar one above (therefore uncommented)
_lvu() {
local suf ret=1 curcontext="$curcontext"
local -a vals state line expl
_arguments -C \
'(- :)-d[Enables debug messages]' \
'(- :)-h[Display help text]' \
'(- :)-v[Increases the level of message output]' \
'*::command:->command' && return 0
if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
local -a lvu_commands
'what:display a module''s description'
'short:display a module''s short description'
'where:display a module''s section'
'cd:change directory to module and execs a new shell'
'alien:discover untracked files'
'from:discover what installed a given file'
'leafs:display installed modules that have no explicit dependencies on them'
'orphans:display installed modules that are missing dependencies'
'conflicts:display conflicting files'
'held:display held modules'
'exiled:display exiled modules'
'expired:display a list of modules which need an update'
'info:display terse summary information about module'
'search:searches all modules long descriptions for phrase.'
'service:displays modules that provide that service'
'website:display a module''s website'
'install:display an install log'
'size:find and show installed size of a module or ALL (slow)'
'installed:display installed modules/version of module'
'compile:display a compile log'
'compiler:display the compiler version used'
'links:display a list of modules that this module links to'
'sources:display source files for a module'
'urls:display all URLs for a module'
'maintainer:display maintainer for a module'
'version:display version of module in moonbase'
'new:attempt to create a new module from scratch'
'edit:copy a module to zlocal for editing'
'diff:view changes on edited module'
'submit:attempt to submit a module to the lunar ML'
'unedit:delete zlocal copy of a module'
'sum:display checksums'
'md5sum:display md5sums'
'export:make snapshot of box''s configuration.'
'import:restores an exported snapshot.'
'section:display moonbase sections'
'moonbase:display text listing of the moonbase'
'html:display html listing of the moonbase'
'updatelog:display summary log of previous lunar update'
'activity:display main log file'
'newer:display available modules newer than Aug 01, 2003'
'older:display modules installed before Jan 01, 2003'
'voyeur:peak into module compilation'
'pam:display installed modules that are Linux-PAM aware'
'depends:displays installed modules that explicitly or recursively depend on this module.'
'tree:displays a tree of the module''s dependencies'
'stree:same as ''tree'' but highly abbreviated'
'eert:same as ''tree'' but reverse and installed deps only'
'leert:full reverse dependency tree')
_describe -t commands 'lvu command' lvu_commands && ret=0
return ret
elif (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
local -a lvu_no_args
lvu_no_args=( alien leafs orphans conflicts held exiled expired export moonbase html updatelog pam )
if (( $+functions[_lvu-$words[1]] )); then
_call_function ret _lvu-$words[1]
elif [[ -n "${lvu_no_args[(r)${words[1]}]}" ]]; then
_message "lvu ${words[1]} requires no arguments"
return ret
_message "No further arguments"
_lvu-service() {
_alternative \
'service:service name:_lvu-service-service' \
'port:port number:_guard "[0-9]#" "port number"'
_lvu-service-service() {
local vals
vals=( ${(f)"$(cat /etc/services | grep -E -o '^(\w+)' | sort | uniq)"} )
_describe -t modules 'service' vals && return 0
_lvu-diff() {
local vals
vals=( /var/lib/lunar/moonbase/zlocal/*(/:t) )
_describe -t modules 'moonbase module from zlocal' vals && return 0
_lvu-unedit() {
local vals
vals=( /var/lib/lunar/moonbase/zlocal/*(/:t) )
_describe -t modules 'moonbase module from zlocal' vals && return 0
_lvu-newer() {
_message "date string"
_lvu-older() {
_message "date string"
_lvu-import() {
_lvu-from() {
_lvu-new() {
_message "module name"
_lvu-search() {
_message "search string"
# specific completion for moonbase modules
_lunar_modules() {
local vals
vals=( /var/lib/lunar/moonbase/*/*(/:t) )
_describe -t modules 'moonbase module' vals && return 0
# specific completion for moonbase modules
_lunar_installed_modules() {
local vals
vals=( ${(f)"$(lvu installed | cut -d':' -f1)"} )
_describe -t modules 'moonbase installed module' vals && return 0
# hub function called for completion
_lunar() {
# decide which completion to use
case "$service" in
lin) _lin "$@";;
lrm) _lrm "$@";;
lvu) _lvu "$@";;
lunar) _lunar_comp "$@";;
*) _message "unknown command $service";;
_lunar "$@"
# Local Variables:
# mode: Shell-Script
# sh-indentation: 2
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# sh-basic-offset: 2
# End:
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et