"(-h --help -sf --source-folder)"{-sf,--source-folder}'[local folder containing the sources. Defaulted to the directory of the conanfile. A relative path can also be specified (relative to the current directory)]: :_files -/' \
"(-h --help -bf --build-folder)"{-bf,--build-folder}'[build folder, working directory of the build process. Defaulted to the current directory. A relative path can also be specified (relative to the current directory)]: :_files -/' \
"(-h --help -pf --package-folder)"{-pf,--package-folder}'[folder to install the package (when the build system or build() method does it). Defaulted to the '\''{build_folder}/package'\'' folder. A relative path can be specified, relative to the current folder. Also an absolute path is allowed.]: :_files -/' \
"(-h --help -if --install-folder)"{-if,--install-folder}'[local folder containing the conaninfo.txt and conanbuildinfo.txt files (from a previous conan install execution). Defaulted to --build-folder]: :_files -/' \
'(-h --help)1: :_conan_conanfiles'
(( $+functions[_conan_config_args] )) ||
_conan_config_args() {
_arguments -C \
'(- : *)'{-h,--help}'[display help information]' \
'(-h --help -r --remote)'{-r,--remote}'[get from this specific remote]: :_conan_remotes' \
'(-h --help -raw --raw)'{-raw,--raw}'[do not decorate the text]' \
'(-h --help)1: :_conan_package_references' \
'(-h --help)2:file or directory path:_files'
(( $+functions[_conan_imports_args] )) ||
_conan_imports_args() {
_arguments -C \
'(- : *)'{-h,--help}'[display help information]' \
'(-h --help -f --file)'{-f,--file}'[use another filename]: :_conan_conanfiles' \
'(-h --help -imf --import-folder)'{-imf,--import-folder}'[directory to copy the artifacts to. By default it will be the current directory]: :_files -/' \
'(-h --help -if --install-folder)'{-if,--install-folder}'[local folder containing the conaninfo.txt and conanbuildinfo.txt files (from a previous conan install execution)]: :_files -/' \
'(-h --help --paths)--paths[show package paths in local cache]' \
'(-h --help --package-filter)--package-filter[print information only for packages that match the filtere.g., MyPackage/1.2@user/channel or MyPackage*]: :_conan_package_references' \
'(-h --help -bo --build_order)'{-bo,--build_order}'[given a modified reference, return an ordered list to build (CI)]' \
'(-h --help -j --json)'{-j,--json}'[only with --build_order option, return the information in a json]: :_files -g "*.json"' \
'(-h --help -u --update)'{-u,--update}'[check updates exist from upstream remotes]' \
'(-h --help -sc --scope)'{-sc,--scope}'[use the specified scope in the install command]: :_conan_scopes' \
'(-h --help -pr --profile)'{-pr,--profile}'[apply the specified profile to the install command]: :_conan_profiles' \
'(-h --help -r --remote)'{-r,--remote}'[look in the specified remote server]: :_conan_remotes' \
'(-h --help)'{-o,--options}'[options to build the package, overwriting the defaults. e.g., -o with_qt=true]: :_conan_options' \
'(-h --help)'{-s,--settings}'[settings to build the package, overwriting the defaults. e.g., -s compiler=gcc]: :_conan_settings' \
'(-h --help)'{-e,--env}'[environment variables that will be set during the package build, -e CXX=/usr/bin/clang++]: :_conan_environment_variables' \
'(-h --help -b --build)'{-b,--build}'[given a build policy (same install command "build" parameter), return an ordered list of packages that would be built from sources in install command (simulation)]: :_conan_build_policies' \
'(-h --help -g --generator)'{-g,--generator}'[generators to use]: :_conan_generators' \
'(-h --help --werror)--werror[error instead of warnings for graph inconsistencies]' \
'(-h --help -if --install-folder)'{-if,--install-folder}'[Use this directory as the directory where to put the generatorfiles, conaninfo/conanbuildinfo.txt etc.]: :_files -/' \
'(-h --help -m --manifests)'{-m,--manifests}'[install dependencies manifests in folder for later verify]: :_files -/' \
'(-h --help -mi --manifests-interactive)'{-mi,--manifests-interactive}'[install dependencies dependencies manifests in folder for later verify]: :_files -/' \
'(-h --help --no-imports)--no-imports[install specified packages but avoid running imports]' \
'(-h --help -u --update)'{-u,--update}'[check updates exist from upstream remotes]' \
'(-h --help -sc --scope)'{-sc,--scope}'[use the specified scope in the install command]: :_conan_scopes' \
'(-h --help -pr --profile)'{-pr,--profile}'[apply the specified profile to the install command]: :_conan_profiles' \
'(-h --help -r --remote)'{-r,--remote}'[look in the specified remote server]: :_conan_remotes' \
'(-h --help)'{-o,--options}'[options to build the package, overwriting the defaults. e.g., -o with_qt=true]: :_conan_options' \
'(-h --help)'{-s,--settings}'[settings to build the package, overwriting the defaults. e.g., -s compiler=gcc]: :_conan_settings' \
'(-h --help)'{-e,--env}'[environment variables that will be set during the package build, -e CXX=/usr/bin/clang++]: :_conan_environment_variables' \
'(-h --help -b --build)'{-b,--build}'[given a build policy (same install command "build" parameter), return an ordered list of packages that would be built from sources in install command (simulation)]: :_conan_build_policies' \
'(- : *)'{-h,--help}'[display help information]' \
'(-h --help -t --test)'{-t,--test}'[create test_package skeleton to test package]' \
'(-h --help -i --header)'{-i,--header}'[create a headers only package template]' \
'(-h --help -c --pure_c)'{-c,--pure_c}'[create a C language package only package, deleting "self.settings.compiler.libcxx" setting in the configure method]' \
'(-h --help -s --sources)'{-s,--sources}'[create a package with embedded sources in "src" folder, using "exports_sources" instead of retrieving external code with the "source()" method]' \
'(-h --help -b --bare)'{-b,--bare}'[create the minimum package recipe, without build() or package() methods. Useful in combination with "package_files" command]' \
'(-h --help -cis --ci_shared)'{-cis,--ci_shared}'[package will have a "shared" option to be used in CI]' \
'(-h --help -cilg --ci_travis_gcc)'{-cilg,--ci_travis_gcc}'[generate travis-ci files for linux gcc]' \
'(-h --help -cilc --ci_travis_clang)'{-cilc,--ci_travis_clang}'[generate travis-ci files for linux clang]' \
'(-h --help -cilg --ci_travis_gcc)'{-cilg,--ci_travis_gcc}'[generate travis-ci files for linux gcc]' \
'(-h --help -cio --ci_travis_osx)'{-cio,--ci_travis_osx}'[generate travis-ci files for OSX apple-clang]' \
'(-h --help -ciglg --ci_gitlab_gcc)'{-ciglg,--ci_gitlab_gcc}'[generate GitLab files for linux gcc]' \
'(-h --help -ciglc --ci_gitlab_clang)'{-ciglc,--ci_gitlab_clang}'[generate GitLab files for linux clang]' \
'(-h --help -cilg --ci_travis_gcc)'{-cilg,--ci_travis_gcc}'[generate travis-ci files for linux gcc]' \
'(-h --help -gi --gitignore)'{-gi,--gitignore}'[generate a .gitignore with the known patterns to excluded]' \
'(-h --help -ciu --ci_upload_url)'{-ciu,--ci_upload_url}'[define URL of the repository to upload]: :_urls' \
'(-h --help)1: :_conan_package_references'
(( $+functions[_conan_package_args] )) ||
_conan_package_args() {
_arguments -C \
'(- : *)'{-h,--help}'[display help information]' \
"(-h --help -sf --source-folder)"{-sf,--source-folder}'[local folder containing the sources. Defaulted to the directory of the conanfile. A relative path can also be specified (relative to the current directory)]: :_files -/' \
"(-h --help -bf --build-folder)"{-bf,--build-folder}'[build folder, working directory of the build process. Defaulted to the current directory. A relative path can also be specified (relative to the current directory)]: :_files -/' \
"(-h --help -pf --package-folder)"{-pf,--package-folder}'[folder to install the package (when the build system or build() method does it). Defaulted to the '\''{build_folder}/package'\'' folder. A relative path can be specified, relative to the current folder. Also an absolute path is allowed.]: :_files -/' \
"(-h --help -if --install-folder)"{-if,--install-folder}'[local folder containing the conaninfo.txt and conanbuildinfo.txt files (from a previous conan install execution). Defaulted to --build-folder]: :_files -/' \
'(-h --help)1: :_conan_package_references' \
'(-h --help)2:package ID:'
(( $+functions[_conan_profile_args] )) ||
_conan_profile_args() {
_arguments -C \
'(- : *)'{-h,--help}'[display help information]' \