As you type commands, you will see a completion offered after the cursor in a muted gray color. This color can be changed by setting the `ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE` variable. See [configuration](#configuration).
If you press the <kbd>→</kbd> key (`forward-char` widget) or <kbd>End</kbd> (`end-of-line` widget) with the cursor at the end of the buffer, it will accept the suggestion, replacing the contents of the command line buffer with the suggestion.
You may want to override the default global config variables after sourcing the plugin. Default values of these variables can be found [here](src/config.zsh).
**Note:** If you are using Oh My Zsh, you can put this configuration in a file in the `$ZSH_CUSTOM` directory. See their comments on [overriding internals](
-`match_prev_cmd`: Chooses the most recent match whose preceding history item matches the most recently executed command ([more info](src/strategies/match_prev_cmd.zsh)). Note that this strategy won't work as expected with ZSH options that don't preserve the history order such as `HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS` or `HIST_EXPIRE_DUPS_FIRST`.
This plugin works by triggering custom behavior when certain [zle widgets]( are invoked. You can add and remove widgets from these arrays to change the behavior of this plugin:
Set `ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE` to an integer value to disable autosuggestion for large buffers. The default is unset, which means that autosuggestion will be tried for any buffer size. Recommended value is 20.
Thiscan be useful when pasting large amount of text in the terminal, to avoid triggering autosuggestion for too long strings.
If you have a problem, please search through [the list of issues on GitHub]( to see if someone else has already reported it.
Before reporting an issue, please try temporarily disabling sections of your configuration and other plugins that may be conflicting with this plugin to isolate the problem.
- The smallest, simplest `.zshrc` configuration that will reproduce the problem. See [this comment]( for a good example of what this means.
- Include helpful comments to keep the barrier-to-entry low for people new to the project.
- Write tests that cover your code as much as possible.
### Testing
Testing is performed with [`shunit2`]( (v2.1.6). Documentation can be found [here](