even further simplify worker bootstrap

This commit is contained in:
romkatv 2020-01-19 13:49:54 +01:00
parent 23e8921b8d
commit 61df3d1cfb
1 changed files with 17 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function _p9k_worker_main() {
} always {
kill -- -$$
kill -- -$sysparams[pid]
@ -260,20 +260,23 @@ function _p9k_worker_start() {
local fifo=$_p9k__worker_file_prefix.fifo
local zsh=${${:-/proc/self/exe}:A}
[[ -x $zsh ]] || zsh=zsh
local bootstrap=(
'"emulate" "zsh" "-o" "no_aliases"'
'{ zmodload zsh/system && mkfifo '${(q)fifo}' && exec >&4 && echo -n "s$sysparams[pid]\x1e" && exec 0<'${(q)fifo}' || exit } always { rm -f '${(q)fifo}' }'
'IFS= read -rd $'\''\x1e'\'' && eval $REPLY')
local child='"eval" "$_p9k_worker_bootstrap" &!'
local parent=(
'"emulate" "-L" "zsh" "-o" "no_aliases" "-o" "no_bgnice"'
'echo PARENT $$ >>/tmp/log'
'{ eval $_p9k_worker_bootstrap } &!'
'command true'
local bootstrap='
"emulate" "-L" "zsh" "-o" "no_aliases" "-o" "no_bgnice"
local fifo='${(q)fifo}'
zmodload zsh/system &&
mkfifo $fifo &&
exec >&4 &&
echo -n "s$sysparams[pid]\x1e" &&
exec 0<$fifo || exit
} always { rm -f -- $fifo }
IFS= read -rd $'"'\\x1e'"' && eval $REPLY
} &!
command true'
sysopen -r -o cloexec -u _p9k__worker_resp_fd <(
_p9k_worker_bootstrap=${(j:; :)bootstrap} \
$zsh -${trace}dfmc ${(j:; :)parent} </dev/null 4>&1 &>>$log_file) || return
_p9k_worker_bootstrap=${bootstrap// ##} </dev/null 4>&1 &>>$log_file \
$zsh -${trace}dfmc '"eval" "$_p9k_worker_bootstrap"' ) || return
zle -F $_p9k__worker_resp_fd _p9k_worker_receive
add-zsh-hook zshexit _p9k_worker_cleanup