diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1b45e155..d95c46b6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -783,6 +783,11 @@ If you are using a different terminal, proceed with manual font installation. 
      value = "MesloLGS NF"
+   - **Ghostty**: Open *Menu → Open Configuration* (Linux) or *Ghostty → Settings...* (Mac) and add
+     the following line:
+     ```text
+     font-family = "MesloLGS NF"
+     ```
 1. Run `p10k configure` to generate a new `~/.p10k.zsh`. The old config may work
    incorrectly with the new font.
diff --git a/font.md b/font.md
index 54456668..cb49af46 100644
--- a/font.md
+++ b/font.md
@@ -168,6 +168,11 @@ If you are using a different terminal, proceed with manual font installation. 
      value = "MesloLGS NF"
+   - **Ghostty**: Open *Menu → Open Configuration* (Linux) or *Ghostty → Settings...* (Mac) and add
+     the following line:
+     ```text
+     font-family = "MesloLGS NF"
+     ```
 1. Run `p10k configure` to generate a new `~/.p10k.zsh`. The old config may work
    incorrectly with the new font.