mirror of https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh.git
add git aliases
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ source ~/.oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template
| Command | Description |
| Command | Description |
| _tabs_ | Create a new tab in the current directory (macOS - requires enabling access for assistive devices under System Preferences). |
| _tabs_ | Create a new tab in the current directory (macOS - requires enabling access for assistive devices under System Preferences). |
| _take_ | Create a new directory and change to it, will create intermediate directories as required. |
| _take_ | Create a new directory and change to it, will create intermediate directories as required. |
| _x_ / _extract_ | Extract an archive (supported types: tar.{bz2,gz,xz,lzma}, bz2, rar, gz, tar, tbz2, tgz, zip, Z, 7z). |
| _x_ / _extract_ | Extract an archive (supported types: tar.{bz2,gz,xz,lzma}, bz2, rar, gz, tar, tbz2, tgz, zip, Z, 7z). |
| _zsh_stats_ | Get a list of the top 20 commands and how many times they have been run. |
| _zsh_stats_ | Get a list of the top 20 commands and how many times they have been run. |
@ -107,20 +107,33 @@ alias -g gp='| grep -i' #creates a global alias for grep
| _gc!_ | git commit -v --amend |
| _gc!_ | git commit -v --amend |
| _gca_ | git commit -v -a |
| _gca_ | git commit -v -a |
| _gca!_ | git commit -v -a --amend |
| _gca!_ | git commit -v -a --amend |
| _gcl_ | git config --list |
| _gcan!_ | git commit -v -a --no-edit --amend |
| _gcans!_ | git commit -v -a -s --no-edit --amend |
| _gcam_ | git commit -a -m |
| _gcsm_ | git commit -s -m |
| _gcb_ | git checkout -b |
| _gcf_ | git config --list |
| _gcl_ | git clone --recursive |
| _gclean_ | git clean -fd |
| _gclean_ | git clean -fd |
| _gpristine_ | git reset --hard && git clean -dfx |
| _gpristine_ | git reset --hard && git clean -dfx |
| _gcm_ | git checkout master |
| _gcm_ | git checkout master |
| _gcd_ | git checkout develop |
| _gcmsg_ | git commit -m |
| _gcmsg_ | git commit -m |
| _gco_ | git checkout |
| _gco_ | git checkout |
| _gcount_ | git shortlog -sn |
| _gcount_ | git shortlog -sn |
| _gcp_ | git cherry-pick |
| _gcp_ | git cherry-pick |
| _gcpa_ | git cherry-pick --abort |
| _gcpc_ | git cherry-pick --continue |
| _gcs_ | git commit -S |
| _gcs_ | git commit -S |
| _gd_ | git diff |
| _gd_ | git diff |
| _gdca_ | git diff --cached |
| _gdca_ | git diff --cached |
| _gdt_ | git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r |
| _gdt_ | git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r |
| _gdt_ | git difftool |
| _gdct_ | git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1` |
| _gdt_ | git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r |
| _gdw_ | git diff --word-diff |
| _gf_ | git fetch |
| _gfa_ | git fetch --all --prune |
| _gfa_ | git fetch --all --prune |
| _gfo_ | git fetch origin |
| _gg_ | git gui citool |
| _gg_ | git gui citool |
| _gga_ | git gui citool --amend |
| _gga_ | git gui citool --amend |
| _ggpnp_ | git pull origin $(current_branch) && git push origin $(current_branch) |
| _ggpnp_ | git pull origin $(current_branch) && git push origin $(current_branch) |
@ -149,7 +162,7 @@ alias -g gp='| grep -i' #creates a global alias for grep
| _gr_ | git remote |
| _gr_ | git remote |
| _grba_ | git rebase --abort |
| _grba_ | git rebase --abort |
| _grbc_ | git rebase --continue |
| _grbc_ | git rebase --continue |
| _grbs_ | git rebase --skip |
| _grbs_ | git rebase --skip |
| _grbi_ | git rebase -i |
| _grbi_ | git rebase -i |
| _grh_ | git reset HEAD |
| _grh_ | git reset HEAD |
| _grhh_ | git reset HEAD --hard |
| _grhh_ | git reset HEAD --hard |
Reference in New Issue