mirror of https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh.git
Document other settings
@ -8,10 +8,23 @@
- [`plugins`](#plugins)
- [`ZSH_CUSTOM`](#zsh_custom)
- [`ZSH_CACHE_DIR`](#zsh_cache_dir)
- [Update settings](#update-settings)
- [`DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE`](#disable_auto_update)
- [`DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT`](#disable_update_prompt)
- [`UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS`](#update_zsh_days)
- [Completion settings](#completion-settings)
- [`ZSH_COMPDUMP`](#zsh_compdump)
- [`ZSH_DISABLE_COMPFIX`](#zsh_disable_compfix)
- [Library settings](#library-settings)
- [`CASE_SENSITIVE`](#case_sensitive)
- [`HYPHEN_INSENSITIVE`](#hyphen_insensitive)
- [`DISABLE_MAGIC_FUNCTIONS`](#disable_magic_functions)
- [`DISABLE_LS_COLORS`](#disable_ls_colors)
- [`DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE`](#disable_auto_title)
- [`ENABLE_CORRECTION`](#enable_correction)
- [`COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS`](#completion_waiting_dots)
- [`DISABLE_UNTRACKED_FILES_DIRTY`](#disable_untracked_files_dirty)
- [`HIST_STAMPS`](#hist_stamps)
- [Random theme](#random-theme)
- [`ZSH_THEME_RANDOM_CANDIDATES`](#zsh_theme_random_candidates)
- [`ZSH_THEME_RANDOM_IGNORED`](#zsh_theme_random_ignored)
@ -19,6 +32,11 @@
<!-- /TOC -->
For other settings:
- For a plugin, look up the plugin README.
- For a theme, look up the `<theme_name>.zsh-theme` file.
## Main settings
These are the main variables which control Oh My Zsh. Some are required and some are optional, this is specified next to the setting name. **NOTE: these variables need to be declared _before_ Oh My Zsh is sourced in your `.zshrc` file.**
@ -73,6 +91,37 @@ ZSH_CUSTOM=~/code/ohmyzsh-custom
## Update settings
If this option is set, Oh My Zsh will not try to update regularly and you'll
have to update it manually, whenever you want, by running `omz update`.
If [automatic updates aren't disabled](#disable_auto_update), the confirmation prompt
will not appear, and instead Oh My Zsh will update without asking whenever the automatic
update expires.
This setting tells Oh My Zsh how often should automatic updates happen (in days). This
setting doesn't have any effect if [automatic updates are disabled](#disable_auto_update).
# The default are 13 days
## Completion settings
@ -111,6 +160,128 @@ you can safely ignore it as long as you control the `john` user, which has write
## Library settings
These settings control the behavior of the library parts of Oh My Zsh. These libraries are located in the `lib/` folder of the project. **Again, these settings need to be set before Oh My Zsh is sourced**.
Set to `true` to force case-sensitive completion. Otherwise, case-insensitive matching will be
applied on filenames. For example, if there are two files beginning with `file`, one lowercase
(`file-one`), one uppercase (`FILE-TWO`), the completion system will offer both as entries when
trying to complete `file`, unless `CASE_SENSITIVE=true` is applied.
By default, both `file-one` and `FILE-TWO` will match:
$ cat file<TAB>
file-one FILE-TWO
With `CASE_SENSITIVE=true`, only `file-one` will match:
$ cat file<TAB>
$ cat file-one
[Case-sensitive completion](#case_sensitive) must be off. Underscores (`_`) and
hyphens (`-`) will be interchangeable, if `HYPHEN_INSENSITIVE=true`.
$ cat file-<TAB>
file-one file_two
`bracketed-paste-magic` and `url-quote-magic` are two Zsh utilities that are known
buggy in some Zsh versions or user setups. If you're having problems when pasting
URLs or pasting anything at all, use this setting to disable them.
Use this setting to disable the Oh My Zsh logic to automatically set `ls` color output
based on the system you're running and which `ls` commands are available.
Oh My Zsh automatically sets the title of your terminal and tabs when running a command
or printing the prompt. Use this setting if you want to disable that.
If you use this setting, Oh My Zsh will use `setopt correct_all`, which tells Zsh to
try to correct command names and filenames passed as arguments. Only the following
commands will be prevented to have filename correction: `cp`, `ebuild`, `gist`,
`heroku`, `hpodder`, `man`, `mkdir`, `mv`, `mysql`, `sudo`.
If you enable this setting, Oh My Zsh will print a red ellipsis to indicate that
Zsh is still processing a completion request, and will disappear when the
completion finishes. This is useful for example when completing a command that
requires a lot of processing before offering completion entries.
NOTE: this setting has been known to cause issues with multiline prompt themes.
Use this setting if you want to disable marking untracked files under VCS as dirty.
This makes repository status checks for large repositories much, much faster.
NOTE: this setting only takes effect if your theme calls the `git_prompt_info`
or `parse_git_dirty` git prompt functions in `lib/git.zsh`.
Oh My Zsh provides a wrapper for the `history` command. You can use this setting
to decide whether to show a timestamp for each command in the history output.
Available values are:
- `"mm/dd/yyyy"`: for `<month>/<day>/<year>` (12/31/2020).
- `"dd.mm.yyyy"`: for `<day>.<month>.<year>` (31.12.2020).
- `"yyyy-mm-dd"`: for `<year>-<month>-<day>` (2020-12-31).
- Custom value: you can specify another format using the [strftime format](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/strftime.3.html) (for example, `"%d/%m/%Y"` for `31/12/2020`).
Example, if `HIST_STAMPS="dd.mm.yyyy"`:
$ history -5
10001 10.10.2020 13:29 gd
10002 10.10.2020 13:29 z oh
10003 10.10.2020 13:29 gd
10004 10.10.2020 13:54 vsc /home/marc/code/ohmyzsh/wiki
10005 10.10.2020 14:36 history -5
## Random theme
These settings only work if the random theme is selected (`ZSH_THEME=random`).
Reference in New Issue