mirror of https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh.git
Revert "Destroyed External themes (markdown)"
This reverts commit 01cfb536c23419eac3dd7dc9858a44ece396597b.
@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
Due to the massive amount of themes bundled with OMZ, [new themes are not accepted](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/#do-not-send-us-themes). This is a list of other themes that are compatible with Oh My Zsh that live in their own separate repositories. More themes are listed in the [awesome-zsh-plugins](https://github.com/unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins) list.
You can also use Github's search to find `*.zsh-theme` files:
[Gist zsh themes search](https://gist.github.com/search?l=Shell&q=extension%3Azsh-theme&ref=searchresults&utf8=%E2%9C%93), [GitHub zsh themes search](https://github.com/search?l=Shell&q=extension%3Azsh-theme+PS1+%7C%7C+PROMPT+&ref=searchresults&type=Code&utf8=%E2%9C%93).
### Installation
Check out the instructions [here](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Customization#overriding-and-adding-themes).
#### xxf
- Show Current commit shorten hash and message
See [Gist](https://gist.github.com/xfanwu/18fd7c24360c68bab884) for source.
author: [@xfanwu](https://github.com/xfanwu)
#### Random Emoji Theme
![emoji theme](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/cef821db4ca342faa6a721a408a111d7ad91bb60/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f662e636c2e6c792f6974656d732f30633057327930573138335332543042337a30612f53637265656e2532305265636f7264696e67253230323031352d30352d30352532306174253230313525334131392e676966)
See [Gist](https://gist.github.com/oshybystyi/2c30543cd48b2c9ecab0) for source.
author: [@audy](https://github.com/audy), maintainer: [@oshybystyi](https://github.com/oshybystyi)
#### powerlevel9k
![powerlevel9k theme](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/80ec23fda88d2f445906a3502690f22827336736/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f777942565a51792e676966)
A Powerline theme for ZSH that was written from scratch to address some of the speed issues in other feature-heavy themes. It comes with a great default setup, but is also highly configurable and can be heavily customized with built-in options. It also offers a large array of useful segments that you can add to your prompt, covering everything from Ruby versions to your AWS instance.
See [Repo](https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k) for source & documentation.
author: [@bhilburn](https://github.com/bhilburn)
#### Bullet train
![powerlevel9k theme](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/c5b0c78df1c3ca27bb2c5577114a92018bbdbee0/687474703a2f2f7261772e6769746875622e636f6d2f6361696f676f6e64696d2f62756c6c65742d747261696e2d6f682d6d792d7a73682d7468656d652f6d61737465722f696d672f707265766965772e676966)
Bullet Train is a oh-my-zsh shell theme based on the Powerline Vim plugin. It aims for simplicity, showing information only when it's relevant.
It currently shows:
- Current Python virtualenv
- Current Ruby version and gemset, through RVM
- Current Node.js version, through NVM
- Git status
- Timestamp
- Current directory
- Background jobs
- Exit code of last command
See [Repo](https://github.com/caiogondim/bullet-train-oh-my-zsh-theme) for source
author: [@caiogondim](https://github.com/caiogondim)
#### Cordial
See [repository](https://github.com/stevelacy/cordial-zsh-theme) for source.
Additional setup:
- Install [node.js](https://nodejs.org/) to parse `package.json` files
#### Gitster
![gitster theme](http://recordit.co/1Y5XxMkXFl.gif)
When in a git repo, it shows the location from the git's root folder.
When not in a git repo, it shows from home, `~`.
See my dotfiles [repo](https://github.com/shashankmehta/dotfiles/blob/master/thesetup/zsh/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/gitster.zsh-theme) for source.
author: [shashankmehta](https://github.com/shashankmehta)/[@leostatic](https://twitter.com/@leostatic)
#### Chi
![Chi theme](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-5nLmYSQHp44/VZZdUgxRMBI/AAAAAAAAA84/uVLAZlqvdIc/s457/Screen%252520Shot%2525202015-07-03%252520at%25252001.13.41.png)
![Chi theme](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-DyW0haE8Mao/VZZdUjdyLoI/AAAAAAAAA88/tW20k23uem8/s458/Screen%252520Shot%2525202015-07-03%252520at%25252001.14.40.png)
It currently shows:
- Git status
- 🕕 Time
- `~/Desktop` Working directory
- > where you type your cmds
- `✹git:master` **color : Red** unstaged commit
- `git:master` **color: White** committed files
- `○` shows if current directory is a git folder || git branch
See [Repo](https://github.com/akinjide/chi) for source
author: [Akinjide Bankole](https://github.com/andela-abankole)/[@_akinjide](https://twitter.com/_akinjide)
#### Haribo theme
- Works with most console fonts
- simple git status
- timestamp
See [Repo](https://github.com/haribo/omz-haribo-theme) for source
#### Schminitz theme
This theme allow to see if vim is running on background when using the ':sh' command.
See [Gist](https://gist.github.com/schminitz/9931af23bbb59e772eec) for source.
author: [Schminitz](https://github.com/schminitz)/[@Schminitz](https://twitter.com/Schminitz)
#### Odin theme
- Git focused development.
- A clean and distraction free programming environment.
- Know the status of your repository throughout the development process
- tmux and git configuration files included with the theme
See [odin](https://github.com/tylerreckart/odin) for source.
author: [@tylerreckart](https://github.com/tylerreckart)
#### HYPERZSH theme
- Git status
- Timestamp
- Current directory
- Background jobs
- Exit code of last command
See [hyperzsh](https://github.com/tylerreckart/hyperzsh) for source.
author: [@tylerreckart](https://github.com/tylerreckart)
#### Lambda (Mod) theme
* A simple yet elegant theme with git focused development.
See [lambda-mod](https://github.com/halfo/lambda-mod-zsh-theme/) for source.
author: [@halfo](https://github.com/halfo)
#### Hedgehog theme
* Simple, no-nonsense and clean, with support for git and return codes.
source: [here](https://gist.github.com/hedgehog1029/dfbb7e66511e2c399157)
author: [@hedgehog1029](http://github.com/hedgehog1029)
#### Node theme
source: [here](https://github.com/skuridin/oh-my-zsh-node-theme)
author: [@skuridin](https://github.com/skuridin)
#### classyTouch Theme
* A very minimal, clean theme with git support.
source: [here](https://github.com/yarisgutierrez/classyTouch_oh-my-zsh)
author: [@yarisgutierrez](https://github.com/yarisgutierrez)
#### Spaceship
Spaceship is a minimalistic, powerful and extremely customizable [“Oh My ZSH!”](http://ohmyz.sh/) theme. It combines everything you may need for convenient work, without unnecessary complications, like a real spaceship.
Currently it shows:
* Current git branch.
* Git repo status:
* `+` — uncommitted changes in the index;
* `!` — unstaged changes;
* `?` — untracked changes;
* `$` — stashed changes;
* `⇣` — unpulled commits;
* `⇡` — unpushed commits.
* Prompt character turns red if the last command exits with non-zero code.
* Hostname only displayed when in an SSH session.
* Username displayed only when it isn't `$LOGNAME`.
* Username turns red when root.
* Current Node.js version, through NVM (`⬢`).
* Current Ruby version, through RVM/RBENV/CHRUBY (`💎`).
* Current Swift version, through swiftenv (`🐦`).
* Current Xcode version, through xenv (`🛠`).
* Current Go version (`🐹`).
* Current Python virtualenv.
* Current Python pyenv (`🐍`).
* Current Vi-mode mode (with handy aliases for temporarily enabling).
* Optional time stamps in 12/24hr format.
source: [denysdovhan/spaceship-zsh-theme](https://github.com/denysdovhan/spaceship-zsh-theme)
author: [@denysdovhan](https://github.com/denysdovhan)
#### Zeta Theme
![zeta theme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/skylerlee/zeta-zsh-theme/master/screenshot.png)
source: [here](https://github.com/skylerlee/zeta-zsh-theme)
author: [@skylerlee](https://github.com/skylerlee)
#### AgnosterZak
![AgnosterZak theme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zakaziko99/agnosterzak-ohmyzsh-theme/master/images/agnosterzak-01.png)
AgnosterZak is a oh-my-zsh shell theme based on the Powerline Vim plugin & Agnoster Theme.
It currently shows:
- Battery Life (in case of the laptop is not charging)
- Current Date & Time
- Current directory
- Git status
- User & Host status
See [Repo](https://github.com/zakaziko99/agnosterzak-ohmyzsh-theme) for source
author: [@zakaziko99](https://github.com/zakaziko99)
#### Nodeys
![Nodeys theme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marszall87/nodeys-zsh-theme/master/screenshot.png)
Nodeys is a theme based on fantastic ys theme, with added NodeJS version (from NVM plugin).
source: [Repo](https://github.com/marszall87/nodeys-zsh-theme) for source
author: [@marszall87](https://github.com/marszall87)
#### Ciacho
![Ciacho theme](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6741388/ciacho-zsh-theme.png)
Ciacho is theme based on agnoster.
See [Repo](https://github.com/Ciacho/ciacho-ohmyzsh-theme) for source.
author: [@Ciacho](https://github.com/Ciacho/)
#### igorsilva
![igorsilva theme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/igor9silva/zsh-theme/master/igorsilva.gif)
##### What it shows
* The current folder
* A customizable delimiter
* The current branch
* The current branch state (shows `*` if has uncommited changes)
See [Repo](https://github.com/igor9silva/zsh-theme) for source.
author: [@igor9silva](https://github.com/igor9silva/)
#### nt9
![nt9 theme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lenguyenthanh/nt9-oh-my-zsh-theme/master/nt9.png)
A clean, distraction free and git focused development theme.
##### It currently shows:
* Show the location from git's root folder (when in a git repo) or show from home `~`
* Show current sha()
* Show current branch name
* Show current branch state (dirty, add, remove, delete...)
* Show time from last commit
See [Repo](https://github.com/lenguyenthanh/nt9-oh-my-zsh-theme) for source.
author: [@lenguyenthanh](https://github.com/lenguyenthanh)
#### geometry
geometry is a minimalistic, fully customizable zsh prompt theme.
##### What it does:
- work asynchronously to speed up the prompt
- display current git branch
- display git state of the repo and time since last commit
- tell you whether you need to pull, push or if you're mid-rebase
- display the number of conflicting files and total number of conflicts
- display the running time of long running commands
- optionally display random colors based on your hostname
- give you a custom, colorizable prompt symbol
- change the prompt symbol color depending on the last command exit status
- show virtualenv and docker machine data
- set the terminal title to current command and directory
- fully customizable, allowing you to change anything through environment variables
- make you the coolest hacker in the whole Starbucks
See [repo](https://github.com/frmendes/geometry) for source. We welcome any contributions!
author: [@frmendes](https://github.com/frmendes)
#### avit-da2k
A theme based on Avit, with small changes.
See [repo](https://github.com/fdaciuk/avit-da2k) for source.
author: [@fdaciuk](https://github.com/fdaciuk)
#### kimwz
A minimal theme
See [repo](https://github.com/kimwz/kimwz-oh-my-zsh-theme) for source.
author: [@kimwz](https://github.com/kimwz)
#### hub
![hub animated preview](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hub23/c226b1c77446e099f7684b0d21c6b22a/raw/e4260d7135ef5ebfa26cdb084e43f3f03f86346a/zsh-preview.gif)
Simple and clean, visualizing return code.
See [gist](https://gist.github.com/hub23/c226b1c77446e099f7684b0d21c6b22a) for source.
author: [@hub23](https://github.com/hub23)
#### Punctual
![Screenshot of Punctual in action](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dannynimmo/punctual-zsh-theme/master/screenshot.png)
A simple, informative prompt built with Solarized colours in mind.
##### Features
* Customisable colours & output
* Git branch & status display
* Username turns red when root
* Prompt turns red if the last command finishes with non-zero exit code
See [repo](https://github.com/dannynimmo/punctual-zsh-theme) for installation.
By [Danny](https://github.com/dannynimmo).
#### Staples
![Screenshot of Staples] (https://github.com/dersam/staples/blob/master/sample.png?raw=true)
A modified version of the Bureau theme with context-sensitive tags, ssh status, and last exit code coloring.
See [repo](https://github.com/dersam/staples) for source.
Author: [@dersam](https://github.com/dersam)
#### Bunnyruni
![Screenshot of Bunnyruni] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jopcode/oh-my-zsh-bunnyruni-theme/master/bunnyruni.gif)
Simple, clean, and beautiful theme inspired in my fovorite themes, functions and colors.
See [repo](https://github.com/jopcode/oh-my-zsh-bunnyruni-theme) for source.
Author: [@jopcode](https://github.com/jopcode)
#### traditional-plus
Single-line boring/traditional prompt without distracting colours, providing extra information (currently git branch/status).
See [repo](https://github.com/xfxf/zsh-theme-traditional-plus) for source.
Author: [@xfxf](https://github.com/xfxf)
#### oh-wonder
Just another funky theme.
See [repo](https://gist.github.com/kaushik94/a54e128869c0c82bdbed31d56c710daa) for source.
Author: [@kaushik94](https://gist.github.com/kaushik94)
#### rafiki-zsh
A zsh friend to watch over you.
See [repo](https://github.com/akabiru/rafiki-zsh) for source and instructions.
Author: [@akabiru](https://github.com/akabiru)
#### λ Pure
![lambda-pure theme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marszall87/lambda-pure/master/screenshot.png)
A minimal zsh theme, based on Pure, with added NodeJS version (async!)
source: [Repo](https://github.com/marszall87/lambda-pure) for source
author: [@marszall87](https://github.com/marszall87)
#### Imperator / Imperator Root
![imperator theme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxGogley/Linux-Mods/master/Shell-Themes/Screenshot_2016-11-28_17-48-18.png)
An adaptation of the mortalscumbag theme. Its modification no longer has the hostname next to the username on the prompt and has a better differentiation of colors by highlighting the user, working directory, and shell sign. The theme also keeps the error number within brackets, as well as a running header stating whether the user is under an ssh connection.
source: [Repo](https://github.com/LinuxGogley/Linux-Mods/tree/master/Shell-Themes) for source
author: [@LinuxGogley](https://github.com/LinuxGogley)
#### Oh-My-VIA
![oh-my-via theme](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/19719047/21297526/3658ab04-c582-11e6-811d-f316d26996b3.png "Oh-My-VIA theme preview")
A theme for ZSH that is heavily inspired by the historical theme used on [VIA Centrale Réseaux](https://via.ecp.fr/) servers. It is designed to be as simple as possible, but still complete enough to be used on production servers and highly configurable to suit any of your desire.
See [Repo](https://github.com/badouralix/oh-my-via) for source & documentation.
author: [@badouralix](https://github.com/badouralix)
#### alien
![alien theme](https://github.com/eendroroy/alien/raw/images/images/alien-mac.png "alien theme preview")
##### Features
* Time
* Battery percentage (with charging direction, - discharging, + charging, ● full-charge)
* Username
* Working directory
* Version control - branch (git, mercurial), revision number (svn)
* Supports both mac and linux
See [Repo](https://github.com/eendroroy/alien) for source & documentation.
author: [@eendroroy](https://github.com/eendroroy)
#### alien-minimal
![alien theme](https://github.com/eendroroy/alien-minimal/raw/images/images/alien-minimal-mac.png "alien-minimal theme preview")
##### Features
* Working directory
* Previous command exit status
* Version control - branch, commit hash (git, mercurial), revision number (svn) on right prompt
* Supports both mac and linux
See [Repo](https://github.com/eendroroy/alien-minimal) for source & documentation.
author: [@eendroroy](https://github.com/eendroroy)
#### Imp
![Screenshot of Imp] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/igormp/Imp/master/imp.png)
Simple theme based on [Zork](https://github.com/Bash-it/bash-it/wiki/Themes#zork).
See [repo](https://github.com/igormp/Imp) for source and install instructions.
Author: [@igormp](https://github.com/igormp)
#### Omega
![Screenshot of Omega Minimal] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Section214/zsh-omega/master/screenshots/minimal.png)
A clean, minimal theme.
See [repo](https://github.com/Section214/zsh-omega) for source and install instructions.
Author: [@igormp](https://github.com/igormp)
#### Docker-ZSH
This theme is pretty much based on the 'bureau' theme. It has been extended by a `DOCKER_HOST` live view,
so that in every terminal session you see immediately which docker host is configured and where the local
docker commands are forwarded to.
If the `DOCKER_HOST` variable is not set in the terminal session, it's showing a green `local` text what can b
interpreted as a personal local test environment. If a remote host is defined it will show the address in `red`.
![Screenshot of Docker-zsh-theme](https://github.com/dpdornseifer/docker-zsh-theme/blob/master/sample.png)
See [repo](https://github.com/dpdornseifer/docker-zsh-theme) for source and install instructions.
Author: [@dpdornseifer](https://github.com/dpdornseifer)
#### Vero
A theme designed for simplicity, neatness and availability of information, adapted from the 'bureau' theme. Vero offers:
* Time-stamp
* Current Node.js version
* Current Git branch and status
* SSH indicator
* A fancy lambda symbol
![Screenshot of Vero](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Raindeer44/vero/master/img/preview.png)
See [repo](https://github.com/Raindeer44/vero) for source and documentation
Author: [@raindeer44](https://github.com/raindeer44)
Reference in New Issue