# Perl

This plugin adds [perl](https://www.perl.org/) useful aliases/functions.

To use it, add `perl` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:

plugins=(... perl)

## Perlbrew activation

If the plugin detects that `perlbrew` hasn't been activated, yet there is an installation of it in
`$PERLBREW_ROOT`, it'll initialize by default. To avoid this behaviour, set `ZSH_PERLBREW_ACTIVATE=false`
before `source oh-my-zsh.sh` in your zshrc.

## Aliases

| Aliases     | Command            | Description                            |
| :---------- | :----------------- | :------------------------------------- |
| pbi         | `perlbrew install` | Install specific perl version          |
| pbl         | `perlbrew list`    | List all perl version installed        |
| pbo         | `perlbrew off`     | Go back to the system perl             |
| pbs         | `perlbrew switch`  | Turn it back on                        |
| pbu         | `perlbrew use`     | Use specific version of perl           |
| pd          | `perldoc`          | Show the perl documentation            |
| ple         | `perl -wlne`       | Use perl like awk/sed                  |
| latest-perl | `curl ...`         | Show the latest stable release of Perl |

## Functions

- `newpl`: creates a basic Perl script file and opens it with $EDITOR.

- `pgs`: Perl Global Substitution: `pgs <find_pattern> <replace_pattern> <filename>` Looks for
  `<find_pattern>` and replaces it with `<replace_pattern>` in `<filename>`.

- `prep`: Perl grep, because 'grep -P' is terrible: `prep <pattern> [<filename>]` Lets you work with pipes or
  files (if no `<filename>` provided, use stdin).

## Requirements

In order to make this work, you will need to have perl installed. More info on the usage and install: