# chucknorris

Fortunes plugin for Chuck Norris for Oh My Zsh. Perfectly suitable as MOTD.

To use it add `chucknorris` to the plugins array in you zshrc file.

plugins=(... chucknorris)

## Usage

| Command     | Description                     |
| ----------- | ------------------------------- |
| `chuck`     | Print random Chuck Norris quote |
| `chuck_cow` | Print quote in cowthink         |

Example: output of `chuck_cow`:

Last login: Fri Jan 30 23:12:26 on ttys001
( When Chuck Norris plays Monopoly, it )
( affects the actual world economy.    )
        o   ^__^
         o  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

## Requirements

- `fortune`
- `cowsay` if using `chuck_cow`

Available via homebrew, apt, ...

> [!NOTE]  
> In addition to installing `fortune`, it may be necessary to run:
> `strfile $ZSH/plugins/chucknorris/fortunes/chucknorris\n`
> (include the "\n" literally) to write the fortune data to the proper directory.