mirror of https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh.git
Compare commits
43 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
7248cd9296 | |
6e7ac0544e | |
92da3108b5 | |
7d32e7fc3f | |
0e99f402cd | |
8074eb8b46 | |
4d9d346718 | |
db32c6ccce | |
2b547d113b | |
2343ad517d | |
1c34b0e67d | |
33d4db7fee | |
ce9a4a0196 | |
9ffc14c3e1 | |
cc9259d6ad | |
3bd48b12c8 | |
5fd2059e5e | |
85c4941492 | |
d2e79501b2 | |
69410e7020 | |
4e29c670a4 | |
1bae199736 | |
bd0a5b2598 | |
9a0e22c184 | |
501f29f90c | |
cca4043238 | |
6e9cda3d30 | |
d689aa289e | |
8c5b71b2f4 | |
028d653632 | |
04cba220f7 | |
7a3695aadf | |
cae2e45193 | |
276e540eed | |
5c17bcd21f | |
d82669199b | |
9c8afcc3ee | |
f733dc340b | |
048e166c9e | |
b9e73b4481 | |
62e3e0b2fd | |
69a6359f7c | |
366d254352 |
@ -2,11 +2,13 @@ dependencies:
repo: felipec/git-completion
branch: master
version: tag:v2.1
version: tag:v2.2
postcopy: |
set -e
rm -rf git-completion.plugin.zsh Makefile README.adoc t tools
test -e git-completion.zsh && mv -f git-completion.zsh _git
rm -rf git-completion.plugin.zsh Makefile t tools
mv README.adoc MANUAL.adoc
mv -f src/* .
rmdir src
repo: gradle/gradle-completion
branch: master
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ dependencies:
repo: mfaerevaag/wd
branch: master
version: tag:v0.9.1
version: tag:v0.9.3
precopy: |
set -e
rm -r test
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ dependencies:
branch: master
repo: agkozak/zsh-z
version: afaf2965b41fdc6ca66066e09382726aa0b6aa04
version: dd94ef04acc41748ba171eb219971cb455e0040b
precopy: |
set -e
test -e README.md && mv -f README.md MANUAL.md
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@ -10,3 +10,6 @@ log/
# editor configs
# zcompile cached files
@ -487,6 +487,17 @@ wait a week?) you just need to run:
omz update
> [!NOTE]
> If you want to automate this process in a script, you should call directly the `upgrade` script, like this:
> ```sh
> $ZSH/tools/upgrade.sh
> ```
> See more options in the [FAQ: How do I update Oh My Zsh?](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-update-oh-my-zsh).
> **USE OF `omz update --unattended` HAS BEEN REMOVED, AS IT HAS SIDE EFFECTS**.
Magic! 🎉
## Uninstalling Oh My Zsh
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
function omz {
setopt localoptions noksharrays
[[ $# -gt 0 ]] || {
return 1
@ -822,6 +823,13 @@ function _omz::update {
return 1
# Check if --unattended was passed
[[ "$1" != --unattended ]] || {
_omz::log error "the \`\e[2m--unattended\e[0m\` flag is no longer supported, use the \`\e[2mupgrade.sh\e[0m\` script instead."
_omz::log error "for more information see https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-update-oh-my-zsh"
return 1
local last_commit=$(builtin cd -q "$ZSH"; git rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null)
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] || {
_omz::log error "\`$ZSH\` is not a git directory. Aborting..."
@ -830,11 +838,7 @@ function _omz::update {
# Run update script
zstyle -s ':omz:update' verbose verbose_mode || verbose_mode=default
if [[ "$1" != --unattended ]]; then
ZSH="$ZSH" command zsh -f "$ZSH/tools/upgrade.sh" -i -v $verbose_mode || return $?
ZSH="$ZSH" command zsh -f "$ZSH/tools/upgrade.sh" -v $verbose_mode || return $?
ZSH="$ZSH" command zsh -f "$ZSH/tools/upgrade.sh" -i -v $verbose_mode || return $?
# Update last updated file
zmodload zsh/datetime
@ -843,7 +847,7 @@ function _omz::update {
command rm -rf "$ZSH/log/update.lock"
# Restart the zsh session if there were changes
if [[ "$1" != --unattended && "$(builtin cd -q "$ZSH"; git rev-parse HEAD)" != "$last_commit" ]]; then
if [[ "$(builtin cd -q "$ZSH"; git rev-parse HEAD)" != "$last_commit" ]]; then
# Old zsh versions don't have ZSH_ARGZERO
local zsh="${ZSH_ARGZERO:-${functrace[-1]%:*}}"
# Check whether to run a login shell
@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
if (( $+commands[asdf] )); then
export ASDF_DATA_DIR="${ASDF_DATA_DIR:-$HOME/.asdf}"
path=("$ASDF_DATA_DIR/shims" $path)
# If the completion file doesn't exist yet, we need to autoload it and
# bind it to `asdf`. Otherwise, compinit will have already done that.
if [[ ! -f "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions/_asdf" ]]; then
typeset -g -A _comps
autoload -Uz _asdf
asdf completion zsh >| "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions/_asdf" &|
# TODO:(2025-02-12): remove deprecated asdf <0.16 code
# Find where asdf should be installed
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ _source-from-homebrew() {
# check default brew prefix
if [[ -h /usr/local/opt/chruby ]];then
elif [[ -h /opt/homebrew/opt/chruby ]]; then
# ok , it is not default prefix
# this call to brew is expensive ( about 400 ms ), so at least let's make it only once
@ -36,3 +36,10 @@ Last login: Fri Jan 30 23:12:26 on ttys001
- `cowsay` if using `chuck_cow`
Available via homebrew, apt, ...
> [!NOTE]
> In addition to installing `fortune`, it may be necessary to run:
> `strfile $ZSH/plugins/chucknorris/fortunes/chucknorris\n`
> (include the "\n" literally) to write the fortune data to the proper directory.
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Don't continue if direnv is not found
command -v direnv &>/dev/null || return
# If direnv is not found, don't continue and print a warning
if (( ! $+commands[direnv] )); then
echo "Warning: direnv not found. Please install direnv and ensure it's in your PATH before using this plugin."
_direnv_hook() {
trap -- '' SIGINT;
@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
#compdef dnf5
# based on dnf-
# utility functions
_dnf5_helper() {
_call_program specs $service "${(q-)@}" "${(q-)PREFIX}\*" \
-qC --assumeno --nogpgcheck 2>/dev/null </dev/null
_dnf5_repositories() {
# required option: -T (all|disabled|enabled)
local selected expl
zparseopts -D -E - T:=selected
_wanted $selected-repositories expl "$selected repository" \
compadd "$@" - "${(@)${(f)$(_dnf5_helper repo list --$selected)}[2,-1]%% *}"
_dnf5_packages() {
# required option: -T (all|available|installed|upgradable)
local selected opt expl
zparseopts -D -E - T:=selected
case $selected in
all) opt='' ;; # option --all does not exist
upgradable) opt='--upgrades' ;;
*) opt="--$selected" ;;
_wanted $selected-packages expl "$selected package" \
compadd "$@" - $(_dnf5_helper repoquery $opt --qf='%{name} ')
_dnf5_rpm_files() {
local expl
_wanted rpm-files expl 'rpm file' _files -g '(#i)*.rpm(-.)'
_dnf5_packages_or_rpms() {
if [[ "$words[CURRENT]" = (*/*|\~*) ]]; then # if looks like a path name
_dnf5_packages "$@"
_dnf5_groups() {
# optional option: -T (available|installed)
local update_policy selected line pat groups
zparseopts -D -E - T:=selected
if [[ -z $selected ]]; then
opt= # option --all does not exist
# XXX hidden groups are not included
for line in ${${(f)"$(_dnf5_helper group list $opt)"}[2,-1]}; do
line=( ${(z)line} )
groups+=( "$line[1]:$line[2,-2]" )
_describe -t $selected-groups "$selected group" groups
_dnf5_environments() {
local line envs
for line in ${${(f)"$(_dnf5_helper environment list)"}[2,-1]}; do
line=( ${(z)line} )
envs+=( "$line[1]:$line[2,-2]" )
_describe -t environments 'environment' envs
# completers for (several) dnf commands
_dnf5-advisory () {
_arguments : \
$advisory_opts \
'--contains-pkgs=[only show advisories containing specified packages]: : _sequence _dnf5_packages -T installed' \
+ '(with)' \
'--with-cve[show only advisories referencing CVE ticket]' \
'--with-bz[show only advisories referencing Bugzilla ticket]' \
+ '(type)' \
'--all[show all advisories]' \
'--available[show advisories containing newer versions of installed packages (default)]' \
'--installed[show advisories containing equal and older version of installed packages]' \
'--updates[show advisories containing upgradable packages]' \
+ args \
':subcommand:(list info summary)' '*:advisory spec:'
_dnf5-group() {
local -a tmp
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
'list:list all matching groups'
'info:print detailed information about groups'
'install:install packages from specified groups'
'remove:remove removable packages in specified groups'
'upgrade:upgrade specified groups and packages in them'
_describe -t subcommands 'subcommand' tmp
case $words[2] in
'(--installed)--available[show only available groups]'
'(--available)--installed[show only installed groups]'
'--hidden[show also hidden groups]'
'--contains-pkgs=[show only groups containing specified packages]: : _sequence _dnf5_packages -T all'
'*: : _dnf5_groups'
tmp=( $common_opts
'--with-optional[include optional packages from the groups]'
'*: : _dnf5_groups -T available' )
tmp=( ${common_opts:#--skip-broken*}
'*: : _dnf5_groups -T installed' )
tmp=( $offline_opts
'*: : _dnf5_groups -T installed' )
tmp+=( '--no-packages[operate on groups only, not manipulate any packages]' )
tmp+=( $downgrade_opts )
_arguments : $tmp
_dnf5-history() {
local -a tmp
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
'list:list info about recorded transactions'
'info:print detailed about specific transactions'
'undo:revert all actions from the specified transaction'
'redo:repeat the specified transaction'
'rollback:undo all transactions performed after the specified transaction'
'store:store the transaction into a directory'
_describe -t subcommands 'subcommand' tmp
case $words[2] in
tmp=( '--reverse[reverse the order of transactions in output]' )
tmp=( '--skip-unavailable[allow skipping impossible actions]' )
tmp+=( $replay_opts )
tmp=( {-o,--output=}'[directory for storing the transaction (default ./transaction)]: : _directories')
_arguments : $tmp '2:transaction:( )'
_dnf5-mark() {
local -a tmp
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
'user:mark the package as user-installed'
'dependency:mark the package as a dependency'
'weak:mark the package as a weak dependency'
'group:mark the package as installed by the specified group'
_describe -t subcommands 'subcommand' tmp
'--skip-unavailable[skip packages not installed on the system]'
'--store=[store the transaction in specified directory]: : _directories'
if [[ $words[2] = group ]]; then
tmp+=( '2:group-id: _dnf5_groups -T installed' )
_arguments : $tmp '*: : _dnf5_packages -T installed'
_dnf5-module() {
local -a tmp
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
'list:list module streams'
'info:print details about module streams'
'enable:enable module streams'
'disable:disable modules including all their streams'
"reset:reset module state so it's no longer enabled or disabled"
_describe -t subcommands 'subcommand' tmp
elif (( CURRENT == 3 )) && [[ $cur = -* ]]; then
case $words[2] in
list|info) tmp=( --enabled --disabled ) ;;
enable) tmp=( --skip-broken --skip-unavailable ) ;;
*) tmp=( --skip-unavailable ) ;;
_wanted options expl 'option' compadd -a tmp
_message 'module spec'
_dnf5-offline() { # also used by the 'system-upgrade' command
local -a tmp
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
'clean:remove any stored offline transactions and cached packages'
'log:list boots during which offline transaction was attempted'
'reboot:prepare the system for offline transaction and reboot'
if [[ $cmd = offline ]]; then
tmp+=( 'status:show status of the current offline transaction' )
tmp+=( 'download:download all packages needed for upgrade' )
_describe -t subcommands 'subcommand' tmp && ret=0
case $words[2] in
_arguments : \
'--releasever=[the version to upgrade to]:version number:' \
'--no-downgrade:do not install packages older than currently installed' '*: :' && ret=0
_arguments : \
'--number=[show log of transaction specified by number]:transaction number:' '*: :' && ret=0
_wanted options expl 'option' compadd -- --poweroff && ret=0
_dnf5-repoquery() {
local v
local -a opts=(
'--arch=[limit results to specified architectures]:list of archs: '
'--available[limit results to available packages]'
'--disable-modular-filtering[include packages of inactive module streams]'
'--duplicates[limit to installed duplicate packages]'
'--exactdeps[limit to packages that require capability specified by ==what{requires,depends}]'
'--extras[limit to installed packages that are not present in any available repository]'
'--file=[limit results to packages which own specified file]:list of files: _sequence _files'
'--installed[query installed packages]'
'--installonly[limit to installed installonly packages]'
'--latest-limit=[limit to latest packages of specified number]:number:'
'--leaves[limit to groups of installed packages not required by other installed packages]'
'--providers-of=[select packages that provide specified attribute]:attribute:(conflicts depends enhances obsoletes provides recommends requires requires_pre suggests supplement)'
'--recent[limit to only recently changed packages]'
'--recursive[make --whatrequires/--providers-of work recursively]'
'--security[limit to packages in security advisories]'
'--srpm[use the corresponding source RPM]'
'--unneeded[limit to unneeded installed packages]'
'--upgrades[limit to available packages that provide upgrade for installed packages]'
'--userinstalled[limit to packages that are not installed as dependencies]'
'--whatdepends=[limit to packages that require, enhance, recommend, suggest of supplement specified capability]:list of capability:'
'--whatconflicts=[limit to packages that conflicts with specified capabilities]:list of capability: '
for v in enhance obsolete provide recommend require suggest supplement; do
opts+=( "--what${v}s=[limit to packages that $v specified capabilities]:list of capability: ")
# mutually exclusive formating options
+ '(format)'
'--conflicts[display capabilities that the package conflicts with]'
'--depends[display capabilities that the package depends on, enables, recommends, suggests or supplements]'
'--files[show files in the package]'
'--requires-pre[display capabilities required to run pre/post scripts of the package]'
'--sourcerpm[display source RPM of the package]'
'--location[display location of the package]'
'--info[show detailed information about the package]'
'--changelogs[print the package changelogs]'
'(- *)--querytags[list tags recognized by --queryformat]'
'--queryformat=[specify output format]:format:'
for v in enhance obsolete provide recommend require suggest supplement; do
opts+=( "--${v}s[display capabilities ${v}ed by the package]" )
_arguments : '*: : _dnf5_packages -T all' $opts
# dnf commands
_dnf5_commands() {
local -a dnf_cmds=(
'advisory:manage advisories'
'autoremove:remove unneeded packages'
'check:check for problems in package database'
'check-upgrade:check for available package upgrades'
'clean:remove or invalidate cached data'
'distro-sync:up/downgrade installed packages to the latest available'
'downgrade:downgrade packages'
'download:download packages'
'environment:manage comps environments'
'group:manage comps groups'
'history:manage transaction history'
'info:provide detailed information about packages'
'install:install packages'
'leaves:list groups of leaf packages'
'list:list installed or available packages'
'makecache:generate the metadata cache'
'mark:change the reason of an installed package'
'module:manage modules'
'offline:manage offline transactions'
'provides:find what package provides the given value'
'reinstall:reinstall packages'
'remove:remove packages'
'replay:replay stored transactions'
'repo:manage repositories'
'repoquery:search for packages in repositories'
'search:search for packages using keywords'
'swap:remove software and install another in the single transaction'
'system-upgrade:upgrade the system to a new major release'
'upgrade:upgrade packages'
'versionlock:protect packages from updates to newer versions'
_describe -t dnf-commands 'dnf command' dnf_cmds
# subcommands and options
_dnf5_subcmds_opts() {
local cur=$words[CURRENT] cmd=$words[1] expl ret=1
local -a tmp
# common options
local -a offline_opts=(
'(--store)--offline[store the transaction to be performed offline]'
'(--offline)--store=[store the transaction in specified directory]: : _directories'
local -a common_opts=(
'--allowerasing[allow erasing of installed packages]'
'--skip-broken[resolve dependency problems by skipping problematic packages]'
"--skip-unavailable[skip packages that can't be synchronized]"
'--downloadonly[download packages without executing transaction]'
local -a advisory_opts=(
'--advisories=[consider only specified advisories]:list of advisories:'
'--advisory-severities=[limit to advisories with specified severity]:severity:_sequence compadd - critical important moderate low none'
'--bzs=[limit to advisories that fix specified Bugzilla ID]:list of Bugzilla ID:'
'--cves=[limit to advisories that fix specified CVE ID]:list of CVD ID]:'
'--security[limit to security advisories]'
'--bugfix[limit to bugfix advisories]'
'--enhancement[limit to enhancement advisories]'
'--newpackage[limit to newpackage advisories]'
local -a downgrade_opts=(
'(--no-allow-downgrade)--allow-downgrade[enable downgrade of dependencies]'
'(--allow-downgrade)--no-allow-downgrade[disable downgrade of dependencies]'
local -a replay_opts=(
'--ignore-extras[not consider extra packages]'
'--ignore-installed[mismatches between installed and stored transaction are not errors]'
# Deal with some aliases (not comprehensive)
case $cmd in
check-updgrade) cmd=check-update;;
dg) cmd=downgrade;;
dsync) cmd=distro-sync;;
grp) cmd=group;;
if) cmd=info;;
in) cmd=install;;
ls) cmd=list;;
mc) cmd=makecache;;
rei) cmd=reinstall;;
rm) cmd=remove ;;
rq) cmd=repoquery;;
se) cmd=search;;
update|up) cmd=upgrade;;
local curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:dnf-${cmd}:"
case $cmd in
_dnf5-$cmd && ret=0
_dnf5-offline && ret=0
_arguments : $offline_opts && ret=0
_arguments : \
'--dependencies[show missing dependencies and conflicts]' \
'--duplicates[show duplicated packages]' \
'--obsoleted[show obsoleted packages]' && ret=0
_arguments : \
$advisory_opts \
'--changelogs[print package changelogs]' \
'--minimal[reports the lowest versions of packages that fix advisories]' \
'*: : _dnf5_packages -T installed' && ret=0
'dbcache:remove cache files generated from the repository metadata'
'expire-cache:mark the repository metadata expired'
'metadata:remove the repository metadata'
'packages:remove any cached packages'
'all:clean all'
_describe -t cache-types 'cache type' tmp && ret=0
_arguments : $common_opts '*: : _dnf5_packages -T installed' && ret=0
_arguments : \
$common_opts $downgrade_opts \
'*: : _dnf5_packages -T installed' && ret=0
_arguments : \
'--arch=[limit to packages of specified architecture]:list of architectures:' \
'--resolve[resolve and download needed dependencies]' \
'--alldeps[with --resolve, also download already installed dependencies]' \
'--destdir=[download to the specified directory]: : _directories' \
'--srpm[download the source rpm]' \
'--url[print the list of URLs where the rpms can be downloaded]' \
'*--urlprotocol=[with --url, limit to specified protocols]:protocol:_sequence compadd - http https ftp file' \
'*: : _dnf5_packages -T all' && ret=0
_arguments : \
'--available[show only available environments]' \
'--installed[show only installed environments]' \
':subcommand:(list info)' \
'*: : _dnf5_environments' && ret=0
_arguments : \
'--showduplicates[show all versions of the packages]' \
'*: : _dnf5_packages -T all' \
+ '(type)' \
'--installed[list only installed packages]:*: : _dnf5_packages -T installed' \
'--available[list only available packages]:*: : _dnf5_packages -T available' \
'--extras[list only extras]' \
'--obsoletes[list only installed but obsoleted packages]:*: : _dnf5_packages -T installed' \
'--recent[list only recently added packages]' \
'--upgrades[list only available upgrades of installed packages]:*: : _dnf5_packages -T upgradable' \
'--autoremove[list only packages that will be autoremoved]:*: : _dnf5_packages -T installed' &&ret=0
_arguments : \
$common_opts $downgrade_opts $advisory_opts \
'*: : _dnf5_packages_or_rpms -T available' && ret=0
# nothing to complete
_files && ret=0
_arguments : \
$common_opts $downgrade_opts \
'*: : _dnf5_packages_or_rpms -T installed' && ret=0
_arguments : \
$offline_opts \
'--no-autoremove[not remove dependencies that are no longer used]' \
'*: : _dnf5_packages -T installed' && ret=0
_arguments : \
$replay_opts \
':transaction path:_directories' && ret=0
_arguments : \
'--all[show info about all repositories]' \
'--enabled[show info only about enabled repositories]' \
'--disabled[show info only about disabled repositories]' \
':subcommand:(list info)' && ret=0
_arguments : \
'--all[search patterns also inside description and URL fields]' \
'--showduplicates[show all versions of packages, not only the latest ones]' \
'*:search pattern:' && ret=0
_arguments : \
$offline_opts \
'--allowerasing[allow erasing of installed packages]' \
': : _dnf5_packages -T installed' \
': : _dnf5_packages -T available' && ret=0
_arguments : \
${common_opts:#--skip-broken*} $downgrade_opts $advisory_opts \
'--minimal[upgrade only to the lowest available versions that fix advisories]' \
'--destdir=[specify directory into which downloading packages]: : _directories' \
'*: : _dnf5_packages_or_rpms -T upgradable' && ret=0
_arguments : \
':subcommand:(add exclude clear delete list)' \
'*: : _dnf5_packages -T all' && ret=0
return ret
# main completer
_dnf5() {
local curcontext="$curcontext" state state_descr line ret=1
typeset -A opt_args
local -a opts=(
'(-y --assumeyes)--assumeno[answer no for all questions]'
'--best[try the best available package version]'
'(-C --cacheonly)'{-C,--cacheonly}"[run entirely from system cache, don't update cache]"
'--comment=[add comment to transaction history]:comment:'
'(-c --config)'{-c+,--config=}'[specify configuration file]:config file:_files'
'--debugsolver[dump detailed solving results in file ./debugdata]'
'*--disable-plugin=[disable specified plugins]:list of plugin names:'
'(--repo)*--disable-repo=[disable specified repos]: : _sequence _dnf5_repositories -T enabled'
'--dump-main-config[print main configuration values to stdout]'
'*--dump-repo-config=[print repository configuration values to stdout]:repi id'
'--dump-variables[print variable values to stdout]'
'*--enable-plugin=[enable specified plugins]:list of plugin names:'
'*--enable-repo=[enable additional repos]: : _sequence _dnf5_repositories -T disabled'
'--forcearch=[force the use of the specified arch]:arch:'
'(-)'{-h,--help}'[show the help message]'
'--installroot=[set install root]: : _directories'
'--no-best[do not limit transactions to best candidates]'
'--no-docs[do not install documentation]'
'--no-gpgcheck[skip checking GPG signatures on packages]'
'--no-plugins[disable all plugins]'
'(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[show just the relevant content]'
'--refresh[force refreshing metadata before running the command]'
'--releasever=[override distribution release in config files]:release ver:'
'(--disablerepo)*--repo=[enable just the specified repo]: : _sequence _dnf5_repositories -T all'
'*--repofrompath=[specify additional repos]:repository_label,path_or_url: '
'*--setopt=[override option in config file]:repoid.option=value:'
'*--setvar=[override DNF5 variable value]'
'--show-new-leaves[show newly installed leaf packages]'
'--use-host-config[use config files and variables from host system]'
'(- *)--version[show dnf version]'
'(-y --assumeyes --assumeno)'{-y,--assumeyes}'[answer yes for all questions]'
'*'{-x+,--exclude=}'[exclude specified packages from transaction]: : _sequence _dnf5_packages -T all'
_arguments -C -s : $opts ': :->command' '*:: :->cmd_args' && ret=0
case $state in
command) _dnf5_commands && ret=0 ;;
cmd_args) _dnf5_subcmds_opts && ret=0 ;;
return ret
_dnf5 "$@"
@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ plugins=(... ember-cli)
- [BilalBudhani](https://github.com/BilalBudhani)
- [eubenesa](https://github.com/eubenesa)
- [scottkidder](https://github.com/scottkidder]
- [scottkidder](https://github.com/scottkidder)
- [t-sauer](https://www.github.com/t-sauer)
@ -65,6 +65,29 @@ If `yes`, sets the `--icons` option of `eza`, adding icons for files and folders
Default: `no`
### `color-scale`
zstyle ':omz:plugins:eza' 'color-scale' all|age|size
Highlight levels of field(s) distinctly. Use comma(,) separated list of `all`, `age`, `size`
Default: `none`
### `color-scale-mode`
zstyle ':omz:plugins:eza' 'color-scale-mode' gradient|fixed
Choose the mode for highlighting:
- `gradient` (default) -- gradient coloring
- `fixed` -- fixed coloring
Default: `gradient`
### `size-prefix`
@ -34,6 +34,14 @@ function _configure_eza() {
if zstyle -t ':omz:plugins:eza' 'icons'; then
zstyle -s ':omz:plugins:eza' 'color-scale' _val
if [[ $_val ]]; then
zstyle -s ':omz:plugins:eza' 'color-scale-mode' _val
if [[ $_val == (gradient|fixed) ]]; then
zstyle -s ':omz:plugins:eza' 'time-style' _val
if [[ $_val ]]; then
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# foot
This plugin adds shell integration for [foot, a fast, lightweight and
minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator](https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot).
To use, add `foot` to the list of plugins in your `.zshrc` file:
plugins=(... foot)
## Spawning new terminal instances in the current working directory
When spawning a new terminal instance (with `ctrl+shift+n` by default), the new
instance will start in the current working directory.
## Jumping between prompts
Foot can move the current viewport to focus prompts of already executed
commands (bound to ctrl+shift+z/x by default).
## Piping last command's output
The key binding `pipe-command-output` can pipe the last command's output to an
application of your choice (similar to the other `pipe-*` key bindings):
pipe-command-output=[sh -c "f=$(mktemp); cat - > $f; footclient emacsclient -nw $f; rm $f"] Control+Shift+g
When pressing ctrl+shift+g, the last command's output is written to a
temporary file, then an emacsclient is started in a new footclient instance.
The temporary file is removed after the footclient instance has closed.
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
function precmd {
print -Pn "\e]133;A\e\\"
if ! builtin zle; then
print -n "\e]133;D\e\\"
function preexec {
print -n "\e]133;C\e\\"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ You can change the fetch interval in your .zshrc:
GIT_AUTO_FETCH_INTERVAL=1200 # in seconds
A log of `git fetch --all` will be saved in `.git/FETCH_LOG`.
A log of `git-fetch-all` will be saved in `.git/FETCH_LOG`.
## Toggle auto-fetch per folder
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
This project is a friendly fork of the official Git completion
(`contrib/completion`) and prompt scripts for Bash, Zsh, and possibly other
Most Git developers use the Bash shell, for which the completion scripts work
rather well, however, Zsh is typically neglected. I've sent many patches to fix
the issues, many have been merged, but many have been ignored, thus the need for
a canonical location of a good, working Zsh completion.
There are advantages for Bash users too. Currently the scripts under `contrib` are tied to the
specific Git version, for example the completion scripts of version v2.40
have issues with older versions of Git (e.g. v2.33); the ones in
this project don't.
With `git-completion` you can be sure you are using the latest completion that
works in both shells, and any Git version.
This is a sister project of the
https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/tree/master/plugins/gitfast[Oh My Zsh
gitfast] plugin (that I also maintain), which has similar needs.
== Installation ==
* https://github.com/felipec/git-completion/wiki/Bash[Bash instructions]
* https://github.com/felipec/git-completion/wiki/Zsh[Zsh instructions]
== Improvements from upstream ==
This is a short list of the benefits you get:
* Easier installation
* Tons of bug fixes
* Works with older versions of git
* Zsh: much more options
* Zsh: quoting works properly
* Zsh: automatic suffix removal
For a full list of all the patches on top of upstream git check
@ -2,23 +2,11 @@
# zsh completion wrapper for git
# Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Felipe Contreras <felipe.contreras@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2012-2024 Felipe Contreras <felipe.contreras@gmail.com>
# The recommended way to install this script is to make a copy of it as a
# file named '_git' inside any directory in your fpath.
# The recommended way to use this script is to prepend its location to your $fpath:
# For example, create a directory '~/.zsh/', copy this file to '~/.zsh/_git',
# and then add the following to your ~/.zshrc file:
# fpath=(~/.zsh $fpath)
# You need git's bash completion script installed. By default bash-completion's
# location will be used (e.g. pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion).
# If your bash completion script is somewhere else, you can specify the
# location in your ~/.zshrc:
# zstyle ':completion:*:*:git:*' script ~/.git-completion.bash
# fpath=($git_completion_srcdir $fpath)
zstyle -T ':completion:*:*:git:*' tag-order && \
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# bash/zsh completion support for core Git.
# Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
# Copyright (c) 2012-2024 Felipe Contreras <felipe.contreras@gmail.com>
# Conceptually based on gitcompletion (http://gitweb.hawaga.org.uk/).
# Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0.
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ files=(
/etc/grc.zsh # default
/usr/local/etc/grc.zsh # homebrew darwin-x64
/opt/homebrew/etc/grc.zsh # homebrew darwin-arm64
/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/etc/grc.zsh # linuxbrew
/usr/share/grc/grc.zsh # Gentoo Linux (app-misc/grc)
@ -43,6 +43,22 @@ starting with "_": "MP-1234_fix_dashboard". In both these cases, the issue opene
This is also checks if the prefix is in the name, and adds it if not, so: "MP-1234" opens the issue "MP-1234",
"mp-1234" opens the issue "mp-1234", and "1234" opens the issue "MP-1234".
If your branch naming convention deviates, you can overwrite the jira_branch function to determine and echo the Jira issue key yourself.
Define a function `jira_branch` after sourcing `oh-my-zsh.sh` in your `.zshrc`.
# Determine branch name from naming convention 'type/KEY-123/description'.
function jira_branch() {
# Get name of the branch
issue_arg=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
# Strip prefixes like feature/ or bugfix/
# Strip suffixes like /some-branch-description
# Return the value
echo $issue_arg
#### Debugging usage
@ -17,6 +17,30 @@ jira branch Opens an existing issue matching the current bra
# If your branch naming convention deviates, you can partially override this plugin function
# to determine the jira issue key based on your formatting.
# See https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Customization#partially-overriding-an-existing-plugin
function jira_branch() {
# Get name of the branch
issue_arg=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
# Strip prefixes like feature/ or bugfix/
# Strip suffixes starting with _
# If there is only one part, it means that there is a different delimiter. Try with -
if [[ ${#issue_arg[@]} = 1 && ${issue_arg} == *-* ]]; then
if [[ "${issue_arg:l}" = ${jira_prefix:l}* ]]; then
echo "${issue_arg}"
echo "${jira_prefix}${issue_arg}"
function jira() {
emulate -L zsh
local action jira_url jira_prefix
@ -91,24 +115,7 @@ function jira() {
# but `branch` is a special case that will parse the current git branch
local issue_arg issue
if [[ "$action" == "branch" ]]; then
# Get name of the branch
issue_arg=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
# Strip prefixes like feature/ or bugfix/
# Strip suffixes starting with _
# If there is only one part, it means that there is a different delimiter. Try with -
if [[ ${#issue_arg[@]} = 1 && ${issue_arg} == *-* ]]; then
if [[ "${issue_arg:l}" = ${jira_prefix:l}* ]]; then
@ -101,8 +101,14 @@ function listMavenCompletions {
# if file doesn't exist break
# if the file points to a directory, assume it is a pom.xml in that directory
if [[ -d "$file" ]]; then
# if file doesn't exist break
if ! [[ -e "$file" ]]; then
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# ngrok plugin
This plugin adds completion for the [ngrok](https://ngrok.com) CLI.
To use it, add `ngrok` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... ngrok)
This plugin does not add any aliases.
## Cache
This plugin caches the completion script and is automatically updated asynchronously when the plugin is
loaded, which is usually when you start up a new terminal emulator.
The cache is stored at:
- `$ZSH_CACHE/completions/_ngrok` completions script
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Autocompletion for ngrok
if (( ! $+commands[ngrok] )); then
# If the completion file doesn't exist yet, we need to autoload it and
# bind it to `ngrok`. Otherwise, compinit will have already done that.
if [[ ! -f "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions/_ngrok" ]]; then
typeset -g -A _comps
autoload -Uz _ngrok
ngrok completion zsh >| "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions/_ngrok" &|
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ toggle set the `PER_DIRECTORY_HISTORY_TOGGLE` environment variable.
function above (default `^G`)
* `PER_DIRECTORY_HISTORY_PRINT_MODE_CHANGE` is a variable which toggles whether
the current mode is printed to the screen following a mode change (default `true`)
* `HISTORY_START_WITH_GLOBAL` is a global variable that defines how to start the plugin: global or local (default `false`)
## History
@ -8,30 +8,36 @@ To use it, add `perl` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... perl)
## Perlbrew activation
If the plugin detects that `perlbrew` hasn't been activated, yet there is an installation of it in
`$PERLBREW_ROOT`, it'll initialize by default. To avoid this behaviour, set `ZSH_PERLBREW_ACTIVATE=false`
before `source oh-my-zsh.sh` in your zshrc.
## Aliases
| Aliases | Command | Description |
| :------------ | :----------------- | :------------------------------------- |
| pbi | `perlbrew install` | Install specific perl version |
| pbl | `perlbrew list` | List all perl version installed |
| pbo | `perlbrew off` | Go back to the system perl |
| pbs | `perlbrew switch` | Turn it back on |
| pbu | `perlbrew use` | Use specific version of perl |
| pd | `perldoc` | Show the perl documentation |
| ple | `perl -wlne` | Use perl like awk/sed |
| latest-perl | `curl ...` | Show the latest stable release of Perl |
| Aliases | Command | Description |
| :---------- | :----------------- | :------------------------------------- |
| pbi | `perlbrew install` | Install specific perl version |
| pbl | `perlbrew list` | List all perl version installed |
| pbo | `perlbrew off` | Go back to the system perl |
| pbs | `perlbrew switch` | Turn it back on |
| pbu | `perlbrew use` | Use specific version of perl |
| pd | `perldoc` | Show the perl documentation |
| ple | `perl -wlne` | Use perl like awk/sed |
| latest-perl | `curl ...` | Show the latest stable release of Perl |
## Functions
* `newpl`: creates a basic Perl script file and opens it with $EDITOR.
- `newpl`: creates a basic Perl script file and opens it with $EDITOR.
* `pgs`: Perl Global Substitution: `pgs <find_pattern> <replace_pattern> <filename>`
Looks for `<find_pattern>` and replaces it with `<replace_pattern>` in `<filename>`.
- `pgs`: Perl Global Substitution: `pgs <find_pattern> <replace_pattern> <filename>` Looks for
`<find_pattern>` and replaces it with `<replace_pattern>` in `<filename>`.
* `prep`: Perl grep, because 'grep -P' is terrible: `prep <pattern> [<filename>]`
Lets you work with pipes or files (if no `<filename>` provided, use stdin).
- `prep`: Perl grep, because 'grep -P' is terrible: `prep <pattern> [<filename>]` Lets you work with pipes or
files (if no `<filename>` provided, use stdin).
## Requirements
In order to make this work, you will need to have perl installed.
More info on the usage and install: https://www.perl.org/get.html
In order to make this work, you will need to have perl installed. More info on the usage and install:
@ -54,3 +54,12 @@ pgs() { # [find] [replace] [filename]
prep() { # [pattern] [filename unless STDOUT]
perl -nle 'print if /'"$1"'/;' $2
# If the 'perlbrew' function isn't defined, perlbrew isn't setup.
if [[ $ZSH_PERLBREW_ACTIVATE != false ]] && (( ! $+functions[perlbrew] )); then
local _perlbrew="${PERLBREW_ROOT:-${HOME}/perl5/perlbrew}"
if [[ -f "${_perlbrew}/etc/bashrc" ]]; then
source "${_perlbrew}/etc/bashrc"
unset _perlbrew
@ -24,16 +24,45 @@ plugins=(... python)
The plugin provides three utilities to manage Python 3.3+ [venv](https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html)
virtual environments:
- `mkv [name]`: make a new virtual environment called `name` (default: if set `$PYTHON_VENV_NAME`, else
`venv`) in the current directory.
- `mkv [name]`: make a new virtual environment called `name` in the current directory.
**Default**: `$PYTHON_VENV_NAME` if set, otherwise `venv`.
- `vrun [name]`: Activate the virtual environment called `name` (default: if set `$PYTHON_VENV_NAME`, else
`venv`) in the current directory.
- `vrun [name]`: activate the virtual environment called `name` in the current directory.
**Default**: the first existing in `$PYTHON_VENV_NAMES`.
- `auto_vrun`: Automatically activate the venv virtual environment when entering a directory containing
- `auto_vrun`: automatically activate the venv virtual environment when entering a directory containing
`<venv-name>/bin/activate`, and automatically deactivate it when navigating out of it (keeps venv activated
in subdirectories).
- To enable the feature, set `export PYTHON_AUTO_VRUN=true` before sourcing oh-my-zsh.
- Plugin activates first virtual environment in lexicographic order whose name begins with `<venv-name>`.
- To enable the feature, set `PYTHON_AUTO_VRUN=true` before sourcing oh-my-zsh.
- The plugin activates the first existing virtual environment, in order, appearing in `$PYTON_VENV_NAMES`.
The default virtual environment name is `venv`. To use a different name, set
`export PYTHON_VENV_NAME=<venv-name>`. For example: `export PYTHON_VENV_NAME=".venv"`
`PYTHON_VENV_NAME=<venv-name>`. For example: `PYTHON_VENV_NAME=".venv"`
### Settings
You can set these variables in your `.zshrc` file, before Oh My Zsh is sourced.
For example:
plugins=(... python)
source "$ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh"
**Default**: `venv`.
Preferred name for virtual environments, for example when creating via `mkv`.
**Default**: `$PYTHON_VENV_NAME venv .venv`.
Array of virtual environment names to be checked, in order, by `vrun` and `auto_vrun`.
This means these functions will load the first existing virtual environment in this list.
Duplicate names are ignored.
@ -47,12 +47,29 @@ alias pygrep='grep -nr --include="*.py"'
alias pyserver="python3 -m http.server"
## venv utilities
## venv settings
# Array of possible virtual environment names to look for, in order
# -U for removing duplicates
# Activate a the python virtual environment specified.
# If none specified, use $PYTHON_VENV_NAME, else 'venv'.
# If none specified, use the first existing in $PYTHON_VENV_NAMES.
function vrun() {
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
local name
for name in $PYTHON_VENV_NAMES; do
local venvpath="${name:P}"
if [[ -d "$venvpath" ]]; then
vrun "$name"
return $?
echo >&2 "Error: no virtual environment found in current directory"
local name="${1:-$PYTHON_VENV_NAME}"
local venvpath="${name:P}"
@ -91,10 +108,11 @@ if [[ "$PYTHON_AUTO_VRUN" == "true" ]]; then
if [[ $PWD != ${VIRTUAL_ENV:h} ]]; then
for _file in "${PYTHON_VENV_NAME}"*/bin/activate(N.); do
local file
for file in "${^PYTHON_VENV_NAMES[@]}"/bin/activate(N.); do
# make sure we're not in a venv already
(( $+functions[deactivate] )) && deactivate > /dev/null 2>&1
source $_file > /dev/null 2>&1
source $file > /dev/null 2>&1
@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ fi
rustup completions zsh >| "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions/_rustup" &|
cat >| "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions/_cargo" <<'EOF'
#compdef cargo
source "$(rustc +${${(z)$(rustup default)}[1]} --print sysroot)"/share/zsh/site-functions/_cargo
source "$(rustup run ${${(z)$(rustup default)}[1]} rustc --print sysroot)"/share/zsh/site-functions/_cargo
@ -15,4 +15,11 @@ if [[ ! -f "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions/_tailscale" ]]; then
# If using the alias, let's make sure that the aliased executable is also bound
# in case the alias points to "Tailscale" instead of "tailscale".
# See https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/discussions/12928
if (( $+aliases[tailscale] )); then
tailscale completion zsh >| "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/completions/_tailscale" &|
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ function tf_prompt_info() {
# dont show 'default' workspace in home dir
[[ "$PWD" != ~ ]] || return
# check if in terraform dir and file exists
[[ -d .terraform && -r .terraform/environment ]] || return
[[ -d "${TF_DATA_DIR:-.terraform}" && -r "${TF_DATA_DIR:-.terraform}/environment" ]] || return
local workspace="$(< .terraform/environment)"
local workspace="$(< "${TF_DATA_DIR:-.terraform}/environment")"
echo "${ZSH_THEME_TF_PROMPT_PREFIX-[}${workspace:gs/%/%%}${ZSH_THEME_TF_PROMPT_SUFFIX-]}"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ __timer_current_time() {
__timer_format_duration() {
local mins=$(printf '%.0f' $(($1 / 60)))
local mins=$(printf '%.0f' $(($(IFS='.' read int dec <<< "$1"; echo $int) / 60)))
local secs=$(printf "%.${TIMER_PRECISION:-1}f" $(($1 - 60 * mins)))
local duration_str=$(echo "${mins}m${secs}s")
local format="${TIMER_FORMAT:-/%d}"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# @github.com/mfaerevaag/wd
# version
readonly WD_VERSION=0.9.1
readonly WD_VERSION=0.9.3
# colors
readonly WD_BLUE="\033[96m"
@ -145,14 +145,17 @@ wd_warp()
(( n = $#1 - 1 ))
cd -$n > /dev/null
elif [[ ${points[$point]} != "" ]]
if [[ $sub != "" ]]
cd ${points[$point]/#\~/$HOME}/$sub
cd ${points[$point]/#\~/$HOME}
wd_exit_fail "Unknown warp point '${point}'"
@ -185,11 +188,11 @@ wd_add()
elif [[ ${points[$point]} == "" ]] || [ ! -z "$force" ]
wd_remove "$point" > /dev/null
printf "%q:%s\n" "${point}" "${PWD/#$HOME/~}" >> "$WD_CONFIG"
printf "%q:%s\n" "${point}" "${PWD/#$HOME/~}" >> "$wd_config_file"
if (whence sort >/dev/null); then
local config_tmp=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/wd.XXXXXXXXXX")
# use 'cat' below to ensure we respect $WD_CONFIG as a symlink
command sort -o "${config_tmp}" "$WD_CONFIG" && command cat "${config_tmp}" >| "$WD_CONFIG" && command rm "${config_tmp}"
# use 'cat' below to ensure we respect $wd_config_file as a symlink
command sort -o "${config_tmp}" "$wd_config_file" && command cat "${config_tmp}" >| "$wd_config_file" && command rm "${config_tmp}"
@ -240,7 +243,7 @@ wd_remove()
local config_tmp=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/wd.XXXXXXXXXX")
# Copy and delete in two steps in order to preserve symlinks
if sed -n "/^${point_name}:.*$/!p" "$WD_CONFIG" >| "$config_tmp" && command cp "$config_tmp" "$WD_CONFIG" && command rm "$config_tmp"
if sed -n "/^${point_name}:.*$/!p" "$wd_config_file" >| "$config_tmp" && command cp "$config_tmp" "$wd_config_file" && command rm "$config_tmp"
wd_print_msg "$WD_GREEN" "Warp point removed"
@ -253,20 +256,47 @@ wd_remove()
wd_browse() {
# Check if fzf is installed
if ! command -v fzf >/dev/null; then
echo "This functionality requires fzf. Please install fzf first."
wd_print_msg "$WD_RED" "This functionality requires fzf. Please install fzf first."
return 1
local entries=("${(@f)$(sed "s:${HOME}:~:g" "$WD_CONFIG" | awk -F ':' '{print $1 " -> " $2}')}")
# Ensure wd_config_file is properly set
if [[ -z $wd_config_file ]]; then
# Check if config file exists
if [[ ! -f $wd_config_file ]]; then
wd_print_msg "$WD_RED" "Config file $wd_config_file does not exist. Please create it first."
return 1
# Read entries from the config file
local entries=("${(@f)$(sed "s:${HOME}:~:g" "$wd_config_file" | awk -F ':' '{print $1 " -> " $2}')}")
if [[ -z $entries ]]; then
wd_print_msg "$WD_YELLOW" "You don't have any warp points to browse"
return 1
# Temp file for remove operations
local script_path="${${(%):-%x}:h}"
local wd_remove_output=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/wd.XXXXXXXXXX")
# Create fzf bindings
entries=("All warp points:" "Press enter to select. Press delete to remove" "${entries[@]}")
local fzf_bind="delete:execute(echo {} | awk -F ' -> ' '{print \$1}' | xargs -I {} "$script_path/wd.sh" rm {} > "$wd_remove_output")+abort"
local fzf_bind="delete:execute(echo {} | awk -F ' -> ' '{print \$1}' | xargs -I {} \"$script_path/wd.sh\" rm {} > \"$wd_remove_output\")+abort"
# Run fzf
local selected_entry=$(printf '%s\n' "${entries[@]}" | fzf --height 100% --reverse --header-lines=2 --bind="$fzf_bind")
# Handle selection
if [[ -e $wd_remove_output ]]; then
cat "$wd_remove_output"
rm "$wd_remove_output"
rm -f "$wd_remove_output"
if [[ -n $selected_entry ]]; then
local selected_point="${selected_entry%% ->*}"
selected_point=$(echo "$selected_point" | xargs)
@ -275,14 +305,26 @@ wd_browse() {
wd_browse_widget() {
if [[ -e $WD_CONFIG ]]; then
# Ensure wd_config_file is properly set
if [[ -z $wd_config_file ]]; then
# Check if config file exists
if [[ ! -f $wd_config_file ]]; then
wd_print_msg "$WD_RED" "Config file $wd_config_file does not exist. Please create it first."
return 1
# Call wd_browse to handle the selection
# Restore the zsh buffer and cursor after running wd_browse
zle redisplay
zle accept-line
wd_restore_buffer() {
@ -298,7 +340,7 @@ wd_list_all()
wd_print_msg "$WD_BLUE" "All warp points:"
entries=$(sed "s:${HOME}:~:g" "$WD_CONFIG")
entries=$(sed "s:${HOME}:~:g" "$wd_config_file")
while IFS= read -r line
@ -398,7 +440,7 @@ wd_clean() {
done < "$WD_CONFIG"
done < "$wd_config_file"
if [[ $count -eq 0 ]]
@ -406,7 +448,7 @@ wd_clean() {
if [ ! -z "$force" ] || wd_yesorno "Removing ${count} warp points. Continue? (y/n)"
echo "$wd_tmp" >! "$WD_CONFIG"
echo "$wd_tmp" >! "$wd_config_file"
wd_print_msg "$WD_GREEN" "Cleanup complete. ${count} warp point(s) removed"
wd_print_msg "$WD_BLUE" "Cleanup aborted"
@ -417,7 +459,7 @@ wd_clean() {
wd_export_static_named_directories() {
if [[ ! -z $WD_EXPORT ]]
command grep '^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]\+:' "$WD_CONFIG" | sed -e "s,~,$HOME," -e 's/:/=/' | while read -r warpdir ; do
command grep '^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]\+:' "$wd_config_file" | sed -e "s,~,$HOME," -e 's/:/=/' | while read -r warpdir ; do
hash -d "$warpdir"
@ -442,16 +484,19 @@ then
echo "wd version $WD_VERSION"
# set the config file from variable or default
typeset wd_config_file=${WD_CONFIG:-$HOME/.warprc}
if [[ ! -z $wd_alt_config ]]
# prefer the flag if provided
# check if config file exists
if [ ! -e "$WD_CONFIG" ]
if [ ! -e "$wd_config_file" ]
# if not, create config file
touch "$WD_CONFIG"
touch "$wd_config_file"
@ -473,7 +518,7 @@ do
done < "$WD_CONFIG"
done < "$wd_config_file"
# get opts
args=$(getopt -o a:r:c:lhs -l add:,rm:,clean,list,ls:,path:,help,show -- $*)
@ -484,11 +529,11 @@ then
# check if config file is writeable
elif [ ! -w "$WD_CONFIG" ]
elif [ ! -w "$wd_config_file" ]
# do nothing
# can't run `exit`, as this would exit the executing shell
wd_exit_fail "\'$WD_CONFIG\' is not writeable."
wd_exit_fail "\'$wd_config_file\' is not writeable."
# parse rest of options
@ -572,8 +617,10 @@ unset wd_print_msg
unset wd_yesorno
unset wd_print_usage
unset wd_alt_config
#unset wd_config_file do not unset this - breaks keybind
unset wd_quiet_mode
unset wd_print_version
unset wd_force_mode
unset wd_export_static_named_directories
unset wd_o
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ Available search contexts are:
| `gopkg` | `https://pkg.go.dev/search?m=package&q=` |
| `chatgpt` | `https://chatgpt.com/?q=` |
| `reddit` | `https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=` |
| `ppai` | `https://www.perplexity.ai/search/new?q=` |
Also there are aliases for bang-searching DuckDuckGo:
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ function web_search() {
gopkg "https://pkg.go.dev/search?m=package&q="
chatgpt "https://chatgpt.com/?q="
reddit "https://www.reddit.com/search/?q="
ppai "https://www.perplexity.ai/search/new?q="
# check whether the search engine is supported
@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ alias packagist='web_search packagist'
alias gopkg='web_search gopkg'
alias chatgpt='web_search chatgpt'
alias reddit='web_search reddit'
alias ppai='web_search ppai'
#add your own !bang searches here
alias wiki='web_search duckduckgo \!w'
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Alexandros Kozak
Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Alexandros Kozak
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@ -6,15 +6,15 @@

Zsh-z is a command line tool that allows you to jump quickly to directories that you have visited frequently in the past, or recently -- but most often a combination of the two (a concept known as ["frecency"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frecency)). It works by keeping track of when you go to directories and how much time you spend in them. It is then in the position to guess where you want to go when you type a partial string, e.g., `z src` might take you to `~/src/zsh`. `z zsh` might also get you there, and `z c/z` might prove to be even more specific -- it all depends on your habits and how much time you have been using Zsh-z to build up a database. After using Zsh-z for a little while, you will get to where you want to be by typing considerably less than you would need if you were using `cd`.
Zsh-z is a command-line tool that allows you to jump quickly to directories that you have visited frequently or recently -- but most often a combination of the two (a concept known as ["frecency"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frecency)). It works by keeping track of when you go to directories and how much time you spend in them. Based on this data, it predicts where you want to go when you type a partial string. For example, `z src` might take you to `~/src/zsh`. `z zsh` might also get you there, and `z c/z` might prove to be even more specific -- it all depends on your habits and how long you have been using Zsh-z to build up a database. After using Zsh-z for a little while, you will get to where you want to be by typing considerably less than you would need to if you were using `cd`.
Zsh-z is a native Zsh port of [rupa/z](https://github.com/rupa/z), a tool written for `bash` and Zsh that uses embedded `awk` scripts to do the heavy lifting. It was quite possibly my most used command line tool for a couple of years. I decided to translate it, `awk` parts and all, into pure Zsh script, to see if by eliminating calls to external tools (`awk`, `sort`, `date`, `sed`, `mv`, `rm`, and `chown`) and reducing forking through subshells I could make it faster. The performance increase is impressive, particularly on systems where forking is slow, such as Cygwin, MSYS2, and WSL. I have found that, in those environments, switching directories using Zsh-z can be over 100% faster than it is using `rupa/z`.
Zsh-z is a native Zsh port of [`rupa/z`](https://github.com/rupa/z), a tool written for `bash` and Zsh that uses embedded `awk` scripts to do the heavy lifting. `rupa/z` was my most used command-line tool for a couple of years. I decided to translate it, `awk` parts and all, into pure Zsh script, to see if by eliminating calls to external tools (`awk`, `sort`, `date`, `sed`, `mv`, `rm`, and `chown`) and reducing forking through subshells I could make it faster. The performance increase is impressive, particularly on systems where forking is slow, such as Cygwin, MSYS2, and WSL. I have found that in those environments, switching directories using Zsh-z can be over 100% faster than it is using `rupa/z`.
There is a noteworthy stability increase as well. Race conditions have always been a problem with `rupa/z`, and users of that utility will occasionally lose their `.z` databases. By having Zsh-z only use Zsh (`rupa/z` uses a hybrid shell code that works on `bash` as well), I have been able to implement a `zsh/system`-based file-locking mechanism similar to [the one @mafredri once proposed for `rupa/z`](https://github.com/rupa/z/pull/199). It is now nearly impossible to crash the database, even through extreme testing.
There is also a significant stability improvement. Race conditions have always been a problem with `rupa/z`, and users of that utility occasionally lose their `~/.z` databases. By having Zsh-z only use Zsh (`rupa/z` uses a hybrid shell code standard that works on `bash` as well), I have been able to implement a `zsh/system`-based file-locking mechanism similar to [the one @mafredri once proposed for `rupa/z`](https://github.com/rupa/z/pull/199). It is now nearly impossible to crash the database.
There are other, smaller improvements which I try to document in [Improvements and Fixes](#improvements-and-fixes). These include the new default behavior of sorting your tab completions by frecency rather than just letting Zsh sort the raw results alphabetically (a behavior which can be restored if you like it -- [see below](#settings)).
There are other, smaller improvements which I document below in [Improvements and Fixes](#improvements-and-fixes). For instance, tab completions are now sorted by frecency by default rather than alphabetically (the latter behavior can be restored if you like it -- [see below](#settings)).
Zsh-z is a drop-in replacement for `rupa/z` and will, by default, use the same database (`~/.z`), so you can go on using `rupa/z` when you launch `bash`.
Zsh-z is a drop-in replacement for `rupa/z` and will, by default, use the same database (`~/.z`, or whatever database file you specify), so you can go on using `rupa/z` when you launch `bash`.
## Table of Contents
- [News](#news)
@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ Zsh-z is a drop-in replacement for `rupa/z` and will, by default, use the same d
- August 24, 2023
+ Zsh-z will now run when `setopt NO_UNSET` has been enabled (props @ntninja).
- August 23, 2023
+ Better logic for loading `zsh/files` (props @z0rc)
+ Better logic for loading `zsh/files` (props @z0rc).
- August 2, 2023
+ Zsh-z still uses the `zsh/files` module when possible, but will fall back on the standard `chown`, `mv`, and `rm` commands in its absence.
+ Zsh-z still uses the `zsh/files` module when possible but will fall back on the standard `chown`, `mv`, and `rm` commands in its absence.
- April 27, 2023
+ Zsh-z now allows the user to specify the directory-changing command using the `ZSHZ_CD` environment variable (default: `builtin cd`; props @basnijholt).
- January 27, 2023
+ If the datafile directory specified by `ZSHZ_DATA` or `_Z_DATA` does not already exist, create it (props @mattmc3).
+ If the database file directory specified by `ZSHZ_DATA` or `_Z_DATA` does not already exist, create it (props @mattmc3).
- June 29, 2022
+ Zsh-z is less likely to leave temporary files sitting around (props @mafredri).
- June 27, 2022
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Zsh-z is a drop-in replacement for `rupa/z` and will, by default, use the same d
+ Fixed the explanation string printed during completion so that it may be formatted with `zstyle`.
+ Zsh-z now declares `ZSHZ_EXCLUDE_DIRS` as an array with unique elements so that you do not have to.
- July 29, 2021
+ Temporarily disabling use of `print -v`, which seems to be mangling CJK multibyte strings.
+ Temporarily disabling the use of `print -v`, which was mangling CJK multibyte strings.
- July 27, 2021
+ Internal escaping of path names now works with older versions of ZSH.
+ Zsh-z now detects and discards any incomplete or incorrectly formatted database entries.
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Zsh-z is a drop-in replacement for `rupa/z` and will, by default, use the same d
- December 22, 2020
+ `ZSHZ_CASE`: when set to `ignore`, pattern matching is case-insensitive; when set to `smart`, patterns are matched case-insensitively when they are all lowercase and case-sensitively when they have uppercase characters in them (a behavior very much like Vim's `smartcase` setting).
+ `ZSHZ_KEEP_DIRS` is an array of directory names that should not be removed from the database, even if they are not currently available (useful when a drive is not always mounted).
+ Symlinked datafiles were having their symlinks overwritten; this bug has been fixed.
+ Symlinked database files were having their symlinks overwritten; this bug has been fixed.
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ For tab completion to work, `_zshz` *must* be in the same directory as `zsh-z.pl
autoload -U compinit; compinit
in your .zshrc somewhere below where you source `zsh-z.plugin.zsh`.
in your `.zshrc` somewhere below where you source `zsh-z.plugin.zsh`.
If you add
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ Add a backslash to the end of the last line add `'zsh-z'` to the list, e.g.,
Then relaunch `zsh`.
### For [zcomet](https://github.com/agkozak/zcomet) users
Simply add
zcomet load agkozak/zsh-z
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ Add the line
to your `.zshrc`.
`zsh-z` supports `zinit`'s `unload` feature; just run `zinit unload agkozak/zshz` to restore the shell to its state before `zsh-z` was loaded.
Zsh-z supports `zinit`'s `unload` feature; just run `zinit unload agkozak/zsh-z` to restore the shell to its state before Zsh-z was loaded.
### For [Znap](https://github.com/marlonrichert/zsh-snap) users
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ somewhere above the line that says `zplug load`. Then run
zplug install
zplug load
to install `zsh-z`.
to install Zsh-z.
## Command Line Options
@ -263,9 +263,9 @@ to install `zsh-z`.
- `-x` Remove a directory (by default, the current directory) from the database
- `-xR` Remove a directory (by default, the current directory) and its subdirectories from the database
# Settings
## Settings
Zsh-z has environment variables (they all begin with `ZSHZ_`) that change its behavior if you set them; you can also keep your old ones if you have been using `rupa/z` (they begin with `_Z_`).
Zsh-z has environment variables (they all begin with `ZSHZ_`) that change its behavior if you set them. You can also keep your old ones if you have been using `rupa/z` (whose environment variables begin with `_Z_`).
* `ZSHZ_CMD` changes the command name (default: `z`)
* `ZSHZ_CD` specifies the default directory-changing command (default: `builtin cd`)
@ -324,19 +324,18 @@ A good example might involve a directory tree that has Git repositories within i
(As a Zsh user, I tend to use `**` instead of `find`, but it is good to see how deep your directory trees go before doing that.)
## Other Improvements and Fixes
* `z -x` works, with the help of `chpwd_functions`.
* Zsh-z works on Solaris.
* Zsh-z is compatible with Solaris.
* Zsh-z uses the "new" `zshcompsys` completion system instead of the old `compctl` one.
* There is no error message when the database file has not yet been created.
* There is support for special characters (e.g., `[`) in directory names.
* If `z -l` only returns one match, a common root is not printed.
* Exit status codes increasingly make sense.
* Completions work with options `-c`, `-r`, and `-t`.
* If `~/foo` and `~/foob` are matches, `~/foo` is *not* the common root. Only a common parent directory can be a common root.
* `z -x` and the new, recursive `z -xR` can take an argument so that you can remove directories other than `PWD` from the database.
* No error message is displayed when the database file has not yet been created.
* Special characters (e.g., `[`) in directory names are now supported.
* If `z -l` returns only one match, a common root is not printed.
* Exit status codes are more logical.
* Completions now work with options `-c`, `-r`, and `-t`.
* If `~/foo` and `~/foob` are matches, `~/foo` is no longer considered the common root. Only a common parent directory can be a common root.
* `z -x` and the new, recursive `z -xR` can now accept an argument so that you can remove directories other than `PWD` from the database.
## Migrating from Other Tools
@ -358,7 +357,7 @@ the line
That will re-bind `z` or the command of your choice to the underlying Zsh-z function.
## Known Bugs
## Known Bug
It is possible to run a completion on a string with spaces in it, e.g., `z us bi<TAB>` might take you to `/usr/local/bin`. This works, but as things stand, after the completion the command line reads
z us /usr/local/bin.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# https://github.com/agkozak/zsh-z
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Alexandros Kozak
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Alexandros Kozak
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ fi
[[ ${builtins[zf_mv]-} == 'defined' ]] && ZSHZ[MV]='zf_mv'
[[ ${builtins[zf_rm]-} == 'defined' ]] && ZSHZ[RM]='zf_rm'
# Load zsh/system, if necessary
[[ ${modules[zsh/system]-} == 'loaded' ]] || zmodload zsh/system &> /dev/null
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ function afmagic_dashes {
# the prompt, account for it when returning the number of dashes
if [[ -n "$python_env" && "$PS1" = *\(${python_env}\)* ]]; then
echo $(( COLUMNS - ${#python_env} - 3 ))
elif [[ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV_PROMPT" && "$PS1" = *${VIRTUAL_ENV_PROMPT}* ]]; then
@ -35,10 +35,74 @@
case ${SOLARIZED_THEME:-dark} in
light) CURRENT_FG='white';;
*) CURRENT_FG='black';;
### Theme Configuration Initialization
# Override these settings in your ~/.zshrc
# Current working directory
: ${AGNOSTER_DIR_BG:=blue}
# user@host
# Git related
# Bazaar related
# Mercurial related
# VirtualEnv colors
: ${AGNOSTER_VENV_FG:=black}
# AWS Profile colors
: ${AGNOSTER_AWS_FG:=black}
: ${AGNOSTER_AWS_BG:=green}
# Status symbols
## Non-Color settings - set to 'true' to enable
# Show the actual numeric return value rather than a cross symbol.
# Show git working dir in the style "/git/root master relative/dir" instead of "/git/root/relative/dir master"
# Show the git branch status in the prompt rather than the generic branch symbol
# Special Powerline characters
() {
@ -83,16 +147,36 @@ prompt_end() {
git_toplevel() {
local repo_root=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
if [[ $repo_root = '' ]]; then
# We are in a bare repo. Use git dir as root
repo_root=$(git rev-parse --git-dir)
if [[ $repo_root = '.' ]]; then
echo -n $repo_root
### Prompt components
# Each component will draw itself, and hide itself if no information needs to be shown
# Context: user@hostname (who am I and where am I)
prompt_context() {
if [[ "$USERNAME" != "$DEFAULT_USER" || -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]]; then
prompt_segment black default "%(!.%{%F{yellow}%}.)%n@%m"
prompt_git_relative() {
local repo_root=$(git_toplevel)
local path_in_repo=$(pwd | sed "s/^$(echo "$repo_root" | sed 's:/:\\/:g;s/\$/\\$/g')//;s:^/::;s:/$::;")
if [[ $path_in_repo != '' ]]; then
prompt_segment "$AGNOSTER_DIR_BG" "$AGNOSTER_DIR_FG" "$path_in_repo"
# Git: branch/detached head, dirty status
prompt_git() {
(( $+commands[git] )) || return
@ -113,20 +197,22 @@ prompt_git() {
ref="◈ $(command git describe --exact-match --tags HEAD 2> /dev/null)" || \
ref="➦ $(command git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null)"
if [[ -n $dirty ]]; then
prompt_segment yellow black
prompt_segment green $CURRENT_FG
local ahead behind
ahead=$(command git log --oneline @{upstream}.. 2>/dev/null)
behind=$(command git log --oneline ..@{upstream} 2>/dev/null)
if [[ -n "$ahead" ]] && [[ -n "$behind" ]]; then
elif [[ -n "$ahead" ]]; then
elif [[ -n "$behind" ]]; then
if [[ $AGNOSTER_GIT_BRANCH_STATUS == 'true' ]]; then
local ahead behind
ahead=$(command git log --oneline @{upstream}.. 2>/dev/null)
behind=$(command git log --oneline ..@{upstream} 2>/dev/null)
if [[ -n "$ahead" ]] && [[ -n "$behind" ]]; then
elif [[ -n "$ahead" ]]; then
elif [[ -n "$behind" ]]; then
if [[ -e "${repo_path}/BISECT_LOG" ]]; then
@ -149,6 +235,7 @@ prompt_git() {
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats ' %u%c'
echo -n "${${ref:gs/%/%%}/refs\/heads\//$PL_BRANCH_CHAR }${vcs_info_msg_0_%% }${mode}"
[[ $AGNOSTER_GIT_INLINE == 'true' ]] && prompt_git_relative
@ -168,12 +255,12 @@ prompt_bzr() {
status_all=$(echo -n "$bzr_status" | head -n1 | wc -m)
revision=${$(command bzr log -r-1 --log-format line | cut -d: -f1):gs/%/%%}
if [[ $status_mod -gt 0 ]] ; then
prompt_segment yellow black "bzr@$revision ✚"
prompt_segment "$AGNOSTER_BZR_DIRTY_BG" "$AGNOSTER_BZR_DIRTY_FG" "bzr@$revision ✚"
if [[ $status_all -gt 0 ]] ; then
prompt_segment yellow black "bzr@$revision"
prompt_segment "$AGNOSTER_BZR_DIRTY_BG" "$AGNOSTER_BZR_DIRTY_FG" "bzr@$revision"
prompt_segment green black "bzr@$revision"
prompt_segment "$AGNOSTER_BZR_CLEAN_BG" "$AGNOSTER_BZR_CLEAN_FG" "bzr@$revision"
@ -186,15 +273,15 @@ prompt_hg() {
if $(command hg prompt >/dev/null 2>&1); then
if [[ $(command hg prompt "{status|unknown}") = "?" ]]; then
# if files are not added
prompt_segment red white
elif [[ -n $(command hg prompt "{status|modified}") ]]; then
# if any modification
prompt_segment yellow black
# if working copy is clean
prompt_segment green $CURRENT_FG
echo -n ${$(command hg prompt "☿ {rev}@{branch}"):gs/%/%%} $st
@ -202,13 +289,13 @@ prompt_hg() {
rev=$(command hg id -n 2>/dev/null | sed 's/[^-0-9]//g')
branch=$(command hg id -b 2>/dev/null)
if command hg st | command grep -q "^\?"; then
prompt_segment red black
elif command hg st | command grep -q "^[MA]"; then
prompt_segment yellow black
prompt_segment green $CURRENT_FG
echo -n "☿ ${rev:gs/%/%%}@${branch:gs/%/%%}" $st
@ -217,13 +304,18 @@ prompt_hg() {
# Dir: current working directory
prompt_dir() {
prompt_segment blue $CURRENT_FG '%~'
if [[ $AGNOSTER_GIT_INLINE == 'true' ]] && $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1); then
# Git repo and inline path enabled, hence only show the git root
prompt_segment "$AGNOSTER_DIR_BG" "$AGNOSTER_DIR_FG" "$(git_toplevel | sed "s:^$HOME:~:")"
prompt_segment "$AGNOSTER_DIR_BG" "$AGNOSTER_DIR_FG" '%~'
# Virtualenv: current working virtualenv
prompt_virtualenv() {
if [[ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" && -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT" ]]; then
prompt_segment blue black "(${VIRTUAL_ENV:t:gs/%/%%})"
prompt_segment "$AGNOSTER_VENV_BG" "$AGNOSTER_VENV_FG" "(${VIRTUAL_ENV:t:gs/%/%%})"
@ -234,11 +326,15 @@ prompt_virtualenv() {
prompt_status() {
local -a symbols
[[ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]] && symbols+="%{%F{red}%}✘"
[[ $UID -eq 0 ]] && symbols+="%{%F{yellow}%}⚡"
[[ $(jobs -l | wc -l) -gt 0 ]] && symbols+="%{%F{cyan}%}⚙"
if [[ $AGNOSTER_STATUS_RETVAL_NUMERIC == 'true' ]]; then
[[ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]] && symbols+="%{%F{$AGNOSTER_STATUS_RETVAL_FG}%}$RETVAL"
[[ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]] && symbols+="%{%F{$AGNOSTER_STATUS_RETVAL_FG}%}✘"
[[ $UID -eq 0 ]] && symbols+="%{%F{$AGNOSTER_STATUS_ROOT_FG}%}⚡"
[[ $(jobs -l | wc -l) -gt 0 ]] && symbols+="%{%F{$AGNOSTER_STATUS_JOB_FG}%}⚙"
[[ -n "$symbols" ]] && prompt_segment black default "$symbols"
[[ -n "$symbols" ]] && prompt_segment "$AGNOSTER_STATUS_BG" "$AGNOSTER_STATUS_FG" "$symbols"
#AWS Profile:
@ -249,8 +345,8 @@ prompt_status() {
prompt_aws() {
[[ -z "$AWS_PROFILE" || "$SHOW_AWS_PROMPT" = false ]] && return
case "$AWS_PROFILE" in
*-prod|*production*) prompt_segment red yellow "AWS: ${AWS_PROFILE:gs/%/%%}" ;;
*) prompt_segment green black "AWS: ${AWS_PROFILE:gs/%/%%}" ;;
*-prod|*production*) prompt_segment "$AGNOSTER_AWS_PROD_BG" "$AGNOSTER_AWS_PROD_FG" "AWS: ${AWS_PROFILE:gs/%/%%}" ;;
*) prompt_segment "$AGNOSTER_AWS_BG" "$AGNOSTER_AWS_FG" "AWS: ${AWS_PROFILE:gs/%/%%}" ;;
@ -400,6 +400,9 @@ function display-release {
function display:breaking {
(( $#breaking != 0 )) || return 0
# If we reach here we have shown commits, set flag
case "$output" in
text) printf '\e[31m'; fmt:header "BREAKING CHANGES" 3 ;;
raw) fmt:header "BREAKING CHANGES" 3 ;;
@ -427,6 +430,9 @@ function display-release {
# If no commits found of type $type, go to next type
(( $#hashes != 0 )) || return 0
# If we reach here we have shown commits, set flag
fmt:header "${TYPES[$type]}" 3
for hash in $hashes; do
echo " - $(fmt:hash) $(fmt:scope)$(fmt:subject)"
@ -444,6 +450,9 @@ function display-release {
# If no commits found under "other" types, don't display anything
(( $#changes != 0 )) || return 0
# If we reach here we have shown commits, set flag
fmt:header "Other changes" 3
for hash type in ${(kv)changes}; do
case "$type" in
@ -498,7 +507,7 @@ function main {
# Commit classification arrays
local -A types subjects scopes breaking reverts
local truncate=0 read_commits=0
local truncate=0 read_commits=0 shown_commits=0
local version tag
local hash refs subject body
@ -569,6 +578,10 @@ function main {
echo " ...more commits omitted"
if (( ! shown_commits )); then
echo "No changes to mention."
# Use raw output if stdout is not a tty
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ zstyle -s ':omz:update' mode update_mode || {
# - $ZSH is not a git repository
if [[ "$update_mode" = disabled ]] \
|| [[ ! -w "$ZSH" || ! -O "$ZSH" ]] \
|| [[ ! -t 1 ]] \
|| [[ ! -t 1 && ${POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT:-off} == off ]] \
|| ! command git --version 2>&1 >/dev/null \
|| (builtin cd -q "$ZSH"; ! command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree &>/dev/null); then
unset update_mode
@ -112,6 +112,11 @@ function update_ohmyzsh() {
local verbose_mode
zstyle -s ':omz:update' verbose verbose_mode || verbose_mode=default
# Force verbose mode to silent if p10k instant prompt is enabled
if [[ ${POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT:-off} != "off" ]]; then
if [[ "$update_mode" != background-alpha ]] \
&& LANG= ZSH="$ZSH" zsh -f "$ZSH/tools/upgrade.sh" -i -v $verbose_mode; then
Reference in New Issue