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Add drush plugin (#4490)
This commit is contained in:
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# Drush
## Description
This plugin offers aliases and functions to make the work with drush easier and more productive.
To enable it, add the `drush` to your `plugins` array in `~/.zshrc`:
plugins=(... drush)
## Aliases
| Alias | Description | Command |
| dr | Display drush help | drush |
| drca | Clear all drupal caches. | drush cc all |
| drcb | Clear block cache. | drush cc block |
| drcg | Clear registry cache. | drush cc registry |
| drcj | Clear css-js cache. | drush cc css-js |
| drcm | Clear menu cache. | drush cc menu |
| drcml | Clear module-list cache. | drush cc module-list |
| drcr | Run all cron hooks in all active modules for specified site. | drush core-cron |
| drct | Clear theme-registry cache. | drush cc theme-registry |
| drcv | Clear views cache. (Make sure that the views module is enabled) | drush cc views |
| drdmp | Backup database in a new dump.sql file | drush drush sql-dump --ordered-dump --result-file=dump.sql|
| drf | Display features status | drush features |
| drfr | Revert a feature module on your site. | drush features-revert -y |
| drfu | Update a feature module on your site. | drush features-update -y |
| drfra | Revert all enabled feature module on your site. | drush features-revert-all |
| drif | Flush all derived images. | drush image-flush --all |
| drpm | Show a list of available modules. | drush pm-list --type=module |
| drst | Provides a birds-eye view of the current Drupal installation, if any. | drush core-status |
| drup | Apply any database updates required (as with running update.php). | drush updatedb |
| drups | List any pending database updates. | drush updatedb-status |
| drv | Show drush version. | drush version |
| drvd | Delete a variable. | drush variable-del |
| drvg | Get a list of some or all site variables and values. | drush variable-get |
| drvs | Set a variable. | drush variable-set |
## Functions
### dren
Download and enable one or more extensions (modules or themes).
Must be invoked with one or more parameters. e.g.:
`dren devel` or `dren devel module_filter views`
### drf
Edit drushrc, site alias, and Drupal settings.php files.
Can be invoked with one or without parameters. e.g.:
`drf 1`
### dris
Disable one or more extensions (modules or themes)
Must be invoked with one or more parameters. e.g.:
`dris devel` or `dris devel module_filter views`
### drpu
Uninstall one or more modules.
Must be invoked with one or more parameters. e.g.:
`drpu devel` or `drpu devel module_filter views`
### drnew
Creates a brand new drupal website.
Note: As soon as the installation is complete, drush will print a username and a random password into the terminal:
Installation complete. User name: admin User password: cf7t8yqNEm
## Additional features
### Autocomplete
The [completion script for drush](https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/blob/8.0.1/drush.complete.sh) comes enabled with this plugin.
So, it is possible to type a command:
drush sql
And as soon as the tab key is pressed, the script will display the available commands:
drush sql
sqlc sql-conf sql-create sql-dump sql-query sql-sanitize
sql-cli sql-connect sql-drop sqlq sqlsan sql-sync
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# BASH completion script for Drush.
# Place this in your /etc/bash_completion.d/ directory or source it from your
# ~/.bash_completion or ~/.bash_profile files. Alternatively, source
# examples/example.bashrc instead, as it will automatically find and source
# this file.
# If you're using ZSH instead of BASH, add the following to your ~/.zshrc file
# and source it.
# autoload bashcompinit
# bashcompinit
# source /path/to/your/drush.complete.sh
# Ensure drush is available.
which drush > /dev/null || alias drush &> /dev/null || return
__drush_ps1() {
if [ -f $f ]
__DRUPAL_SITE=$(cat "$f")
# Set DRUSH_PS1_SHOWCOLORHINTS to a non-empty value and define a
# __drush_ps1_colorize_alias() function for color hints in your Drush PS1
# prompt. See example.prompt.sh for an example implementation.
if [ -n "${__DRUPAL_SITE-}" ] && [ -n "${DRUSH_PS1_SHOWCOLORHINTS-}" ]; then
[[ -n "$__DRUPAL_SITE" ]] && printf "${1:- (%s)}" "$__DRUPAL_SITE"
# Completion function, uses the "drush complete" command to retrieve
# completions for a specific command line COMP_WORDS.
_drush_completion() {
# Set IFS to newline (locally), since we only use newline separators, and
# need to retain spaces (or not) after completions.
local IFS=$'\n'
# The '< /dev/null' is a work around for a bug in php libedit stdin handling.
# Note that libedit in place of libreadline in some distributions. See:
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/322214
COMPREPLY=( $(drush --early=includes/complete.inc "${COMP_WORDS[@]}" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null) )
# Register our completion function. We include common short aliases for Drush.
complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F _drush_completion d dr drush drush5 drush6 drush7 drush8 drush.php
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
# Drush support.
function dren() {
drush en $@ -y
function dris() {
drush pm-disable $@ -y
function drpu() {
drush pm-uninstall $@ -y
function drf() {
if [[ $1 == "" ]] then
drush core-config
drush core-config --choice=$1
function drfi() {
if [[ $1 == "fields" ]]; then
drush field-info fields
elif [[ $1 == "types" ]]; then
drush field-info types
drush field-info
function drnew() {
cd ~
echo "Website's name: "
HOST=http://$(hostname -i)/
if [[ $WEBSITE_NAME == "" ]] then
MINUTES=$(date +%M:%S)
echo "Your website will be named: $WEBSITE_NAME"
drush dl drupal --drupal-project-rename=$WEBSITE_NAME
echo "Type your localhost directory: (Leave empty for /var/www/html/)"
if [[ $DIRECTORY == "" ]] then
echo "Database's user: "
echo "Database's password: "
echo "Database's name for your project: "
drush site-install standard --db-url=$DB_URL --site-name=$WEBSITE_NAME
open_command $HOST$WEBSITE_NAME
echo "Done"
# Aliases, sorted alphabetically.
alias dr="drush"
alias drca="drush cc all" # Deprecated for Drush 8
alias drcb="drush cc block" # Deprecated for Drush 8
alias drcg="drush cc registry" # Deprecated for Drush 8
alias drcj="drush cc css-js"
alias drcm="drush cc menu"
alias drcml="drush cc module-list"
alias drcr="drush core-cron"
alias drct="drush cc theme-registry"
alias drcv="drush cc views"
alias drdmp="drush sql-dump --ordered-dump --result-file=dump.sql"
alias drf="drush features"
alias drfr="drush features-revert -y"
alias drfu="drush features-update -y"
alias drfra="drush features-revert-all"
alias drif="drush image-flush --all"
alias drpm="drush pm-list --type=module"
alias drst="drush core-status"
alias drup="drush updatedb"
alias drups="drush updatedb-status"
alias drv="drush version"
alias drvd="drush variable-del"
alias drvg="drush variable-get"
alias drvs="drush variable-set"
# Enable drush autocomplete support
autoload bashcompinit
source $(dirname $0)/drush.complete.sh
Reference in New Issue