diff --git a/plugins/debian/debian.plugin.zsh b/plugins/debian/debian.plugin.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8865a412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/debian/debian.plugin.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# https://github.com/dbbolton/
+# Debian-related zsh aliases and functions for zsh
+# Aliases ###################################################################
+# Some self-explanatory aliases
+alias afs='apt-file search --regexp'
+alias aps='aptitude search'
+alias apsrc='apt-get source'
+alias apv='apt-cache policy'
+alias apdg='su -c "aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade"'
+alias apud='su -c "aptitude update"'
+alias apug='su -c "aptitude safe-upgrade"'
+# print all installed packages
+alias allpkgs='aptitude search -F "%p" --disable-columns ~i'
+# Install all .deb files in the current directory.
+# Warning: you will need to put the glob in single quotes if you use:
+# glob_subst
+alias di='su -c "dpkg -i ./*.deb"'
+# Create a basic .deb package
+alias mydeb='time dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc'
+# Remove ALL kernel images and headers EXCEPT the one in use
+alias kclean='su -c '\''aptitude remove -P ?and(~i~nlinux-(ima|hea) ?not(~n`uname -r`))'\'' root'
+# Functions #################################################################
+# create a simple script that can be used to 'duplicate' a system
+apt-copy() {
+	print '#!/bin/sh'"\n" > apt-copy.sh
+	list=$(perl -m'AptPkg::Cache' -e '$c=AptPkg::Cache->new; for (keys %$c){ push @a, $_ if $c->{$_}->{'CurrentState'} eq 'Installed';} print "$_ " for sort @a;')
+	print 'aptitude install '"$list\n" >> apt-copy.sh
+	chmod +x apt-copy.sh
+# Kernel-package building shortcut
+dbb-build () {
+	MAKEFLAGS=''		# temporarily unset MAKEFLAGS ( '-j3' will fail )
+	appendage='-custom' # this shows up in $ (uname -r )
+    revision=$(date +"%Y%m%d") # this shows up in the .deb file name
+    make-kpkg clean
+    time fakeroot make-kpkg --append-to-version "$appendage" --revision \
+        "$revision" kernel_image kernel_headers
diff --git a/plugins/perl/perl.plugin.zsh b/plugins/perl/perl.plugin.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f94c4195d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/perl/perl.plugin.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# https://github.com/dbbolton
+# Below are some useful Perl-related aliases/functions that I use with zsh.
+# Aliases ###################################################################
+# perlbrew ########
+alias pbi='perlbrew install'
+alias pbl='perlbrew list'
+alias pbo='perlbrew off'
+alias pbs='perlbrew switch'
+alias pbu='perlbrew use'
+# Perl ############
+# perldoc`
+alias pd='perldoc'
+# use perl like awk/sed
+alias ple='perl -wlne'
+# show the latest stable release of Perl
+alias latest-perl='curl -s http://www.perl.org/get.html | perl -wlne '\''if (/perl\-([\d\.]+)\.tar\.gz/) { print $1; exit;}'\'
+# Functions #################################################################
+# newpl - creates a basic Perl script file and opens it with $EDITOR 
+newpl () {
+	# set $EDITOR to 'vim' if it is undefined
+	[[ -z $EDITOR ]] && EDITOR=vim
+	# if the file exists, just open it
+	[[ -e $1 ]] && print "$1 exists; not modifying.\n" && $EDITOR $1
+	# if it doesn't, make it, and open it
+	[[ ! -e $1 ]] && print '#!/usr/bin/perl'"\n"'use strict;'"\n"'use warnings;'\
+		"\n\n" > $1 && $EDITOR $1
+# pgs - Perl Global Substitution
+# find pattern		= 1st arg
+# replace pattern	= 2nd arg
+# filename			= 3rd arg
+pgs() { # [find] [replace] [filename]
+    perl -i.orig -pe 's/'"$1"'/'"$2"'/g' "$3"
+# Perl grep, because 'grep -P' is terrible. Lets you work with pipes or files.
+prep() { # [pattern] [filename unless STDOUT]
+    perl -nle 'print if /'"$1"'/;' $2
+# say - append a newline to 'print'
+say() {
+    print "$1\n"