diff --git a/plugins/kubectx/prod.png b/plugins/kubectx/prod.png
index 0c194a66d..6fddf3874 100644
Binary files a/plugins/kubectx/prod.png and b/plugins/kubectx/prod.png differ
diff --git a/plugins/kubectx/stage.png b/plugins/kubectx/stage.png
index ac15b3929..a571bf87d 100644
Binary files a/plugins/kubectx/stage.png and b/plugins/kubectx/stage.png differ
diff --git a/plugins/localstack/sqs-send-result.png b/plugins/localstack/sqs-send-result.png
index 69eb2a640..738ed3dcb 100644
Binary files a/plugins/localstack/sqs-send-result.png and b/plugins/localstack/sqs-send-result.png differ
diff --git a/plugins/macos/README.md b/plugins/macos/README.md
index 8245e211f..f50287379 100644
--- a/plugins/macos/README.md
+++ b/plugins/macos/README.md
@@ -16,28 +16,29 @@ plugins=(... macos)
## Commands
-| Command | Description |
-| :------------ | :------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `tab` | Open the current directory in a new tab |
-| `split_tab` | Split the current terminal tab horizontally |
-| `vsplit_tab` | Split the current terminal tab vertically |
-| `ofd` | Open passed directories (or $PWD by default) in Finder |
-| `pfd` | Return the path of the frontmost Finder window |
-| `pfs` | Return the current Finder selection |
-| `cdf` | `cd` to the current Finder directory |
-| `pushdf` | `pushd` to the current Finder directory |
-| `pxd` | Return the current Xcode project directory |
-| `cdx` | `cd` to the current Xcode project directory |
-| `quick-look` | Quick-Look a specified file |
-| `man-preview` | Open man pages in Preview app |
-| `showfiles` | Show hidden files in Finder |
-| `hidefiles` | Hide the hidden files in Finder |
-| `itunes` | _DEPRECATED_. Use `music` from macOS Catalina on |
-| `music` | Control Apple Music. Use `music -h` for usage details |
-| `spotify` | Control Spotify and search by artist, album, track… |
-| `rmdsstore` | Remove .DS_Store files recursively in a directory |
-| `btrestart` | Restart the Bluetooth daemon |
-| `freespace` | Erases purgeable disk space with 0s on the selected disk |
+| Command | Description |
+| :--------------- | :------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `tab` | Open the current directory in a new tab |
+| `split_tab` | Split the current terminal tab horizontally |
+| `vsplit_tab` | Split the current terminal tab vertically |
+| `ofd` | Open passed directories (or $PWD by default) in Finder |
+| `pfd` | Return the path of the frontmost Finder window |
+| `pfs` | Return the current Finder selection |
+| `cdf` | `cd` to the current Finder directory |
+| `pushdf` | `pushd` to the current Finder directory |
+| `pxd` | Return the current Xcode project directory |
+| `cdx` | `cd` to the current Xcode project directory |
+| `quick-look` | Quick-Look a specified file |
+| `man-preview` | Open man pages in Preview app |
+| `showfiles` | Show hidden files in Finder |
+| `hidefiles` | Hide the hidden files in Finder |
+| `resetlaunchpad` | Reset the Launchpad layout |
+| `itunes` | _DEPRECATED_. Use `music` from macOS Catalina on |
+| `music` | Control Apple Music. Use `music -h` for usage details |
+| `spotify` | Control Spotify and search by artist, album, track… |
+| `rmdsstore` | Remove .DS_Store files recursively in a directory |
+| `btrestart` | Restart the Bluetooth daemon |
+| `freespace` | Erases purgeable disk space with 0s on the selected disk |
## Acknowledgements
diff --git a/plugins/macos/macos.plugin.zsh b/plugins/macos/macos.plugin.zsh
index b951a289f..a400c16aa 100644
--- a/plugins/macos/macos.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/macos/macos.plugin.zsh
@@ -17,6 +17,20 @@ function ofd {
alias showfiles="defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true && killall Finder"
alias hidefiles="defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool false && killall Finder"
+# Reset the Launchpad layout
+function resetlaunchpad() {
+ if [[ "$(sw_vers --productVersion)" -ge 15.0 ]]; then
+ local user_dir="$(getconf DARWIN_USER_DIR)"
+ if [[ -n "$user_dir" && -d "$user_dir/com.apple.dock.launchpad" ]]; then
+ rm -rf "$user_dir/com.apple.dock.launchpad" &&
+ killall Dock
+ fi
+ else
+ defaults write com.apple.dock ResetLaunchPad -bool true
+ && killall Dock
+ fi
# Bluetooth restart
function btrestart() {
sudo kextunload -b com.apple.iokit.BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport
diff --git a/plugins/z/img/demo.gif b/plugins/z/img/demo.gif
index 247f52f4d..594fc1d6b 100644
Binary files a/plugins/z/img/demo.gif and b/plugins/z/img/demo.gif differ
diff --git a/plugins/z/img/mit_license.svg b/plugins/z/img/mit_license.svg
index 1c02079d7..a1b706ee3 100644
--- a/plugins/z/img/mit_license.svg
+++ b/plugins/z/img/mit_license.svg
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/z/img/zsh_4.3.11_plus.svg b/plugins/z/img/zsh_4.3.11_plus.svg
index f46d947d0..c08d57052 100644
--- a/plugins/z/img/zsh_4.3.11_plus.svg
+++ b/plugins/z/img/zsh_4.3.11_plus.svg
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/zsh-navigation-tools/doc/img/n-history2.png b/plugins/zsh-navigation-tools/doc/img/n-history2.png
index fa23de00d..b7a3f8de2 100644
Binary files a/plugins/zsh-navigation-tools/doc/img/n-history2.png and b/plugins/zsh-navigation-tools/doc/img/n-history2.png differ