profile: 补全内存、存储可用信息

This commit is contained in:
Hyy2001X 2021-08-11 01:20:52 +08:00
parent c085e8f3e6
commit a694edd2b9
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ Sysinfo() {
local TEMP=$(echo "$(sensors 2> /dev/null | grep Core | awk '{Sum += $3};END {print Sum}') / $(sensors 2>/dev/null | grep Core | wc -l)" | bc 2>/dev/null | awk '{a=$1;b=32+$1*1.8} {printf("%d°C \e[36m|\e[0m %.1f°F\n",a,b)}')
echo -e " 设备信息: ${Yellow}${TARGET_PROFILE} ${Div} $(uname -n)"
echo -e " 内核版本: K$(uname -rs | egrep -o "[0-9].+")"
echo -e " 可用内存: $(free | grep Mem | awk '{a=$7*100/$2};b=$7/1024 {printf("%.1fM \e[36m|\e[0m %.1f\n",b,a)}')%"
echo -e " 可用存储: $(df -T / | grep 'overlay' | awk '{a=$5*100/$3;b=$5/1024} {printf("%.1fM \e[36m|\e[0m %.1f\n",b,a)}')%"
echo -e " 可用内存: $(free | grep Mem | awk '{a=$7*100/$2;b=$7/1024;c=$2/1024} {printf("%.1fM \e[36m|\e[0m %.1f%% of %.1fM\n",b,a,c)}')"
echo -e " 可用存储: $(df -T / | grep 'overlay' | awk '{a=$5*100/$3;b=$5/1024;c=$3/1024} {printf("%.1fM \e[36m|\e[0m %.1f%% of %.1fM\n",b,a,c)}')"
[ -n "${TEMP}" ] && echo -e " 设备温度: ${TEMP}"
[ -n "${CoreMark}" ] && echo -e " 性能得分: ${CoreMark} Scores"
echo -e " 运行时间: ${Startup}"